Patriot Retort: In my post “The Media Simulation,” I wrote: “The frantic ‘Pay no attention to the fraud behind the curtain; Biden is the winner’ narrative makes me wonder if the media doth protest too much.” And those frantic protestations are doubly obvious on Twitter. Every single tweet that references voter fraud is getting slapped with a frantic warning label from what I’ll call the Twizard of Fraud.

Just check out President Trump’s twitter feed. Twitter’s “Pay no attention to the fraud behind the curtain” is all over his tweets. And let’s just say it stinks of panic.
You can almost see the flop-sweat pouring off Jack Dorsey every time someone presents evidence of voter fraud.
Even when someone tweets out screen shots of signed affidavits alleging voter fraud, the Twizard of Fraud quickly adds its panic-stricken caveats that “mail-in voting is safe and secure, this claim about election fraud is disputed, and pay no attention to the fraud behind the curtain!!!!!!”
But don’t worry folks. Twitter isn’t a publisher.
Meanwhile, the brain-addled old coot who has not officially won the election is able to tweet endlessly about what he’s going to do on January 20th, and the Twizard of Fraud doesn’t slap him with a “Official sources may not have called the race when this was tweeted.” MORE
Greatly welcomed perspective of the president-elect BS currently by the left. Patiently waiting for reality to be fairly litigated
You better believe the dirty sonsabitches are starting to sweat.
Yeah, Mr. Brennan is sweating so much he wants Trump forcefully removed from the White House “before he declassifies everything.”
Oooh. THAT would be VERY nice. (Declassifying everything 😉 )
These courts are what are starting to worry me. I know it’s Hotair and they hate Trump, but they have an article stating he had cases thrown out and his attorneys were bad, etc. I don’t know how much truth there is to it and I’m not sure they ever even linked to actual cases, as I only read about half of it and clicked off.
I did though watch the hearing not filed by Trump today and that judge just oozed I don’t give a shit and will take the word of election officials.
So even if they prove fraud, will the courts do anything? Then this talk of Republican legislatures actually having the balls to send Trump electors if they allow this fraud doesn’t give me much confidence. Republicans are pussies and cheats as well. Then if it got to the House to choose the President, I’m not so sure you can trust the bastards there either.
Yeah, I shouldn’t have gotten curious if Hotair had changed and sure as hell shouldn’t have clicked on one of their links.