The U.S. Federal Government Is Firing Journalists By Pressuring Media Outlets – IOTW Report

The U.S. Federal Government Is Firing Journalists By Pressuring Media Outlets

NIH officials contacted Forbes to fire a reporter who covered Dr. Fauci.

Emerald Robinson:

In an earlier essay, I mentioned one of the most serious offenses of the Biden regime: the silencing and deplatforming of leading journalists and medical professionals who were vaccine skeptics by Big Tech and Big Media was done at the direction of the U.S. federal government.

The American people now have further proof of this tyrannical behavior, and it’s thanks to the Substack column of a fired Forbes reporter named Adam Andrzejewski that was first covered by The National Pulse. The gist of the story is that the Forbes reporter broke significant stories about Dr. Fauci and so the NIH had multiple officials contact Forbes executives to complain about the reporter: MORE

6 Comments on The U.S. Federal Government Is Firing Journalists By Pressuring Media Outlets

  1. Does anyone remember the days during the Bush administration when the dems pushed whistleblower protection legislation? That explains why the dems can get rid of anyone who decries them or their policies. Oops, confused yet? That is the plan. Hypocrisy is thy middle name.
    As a known opinionist in the Denver area is fond of saying: Under every double standard is a single standard, or something to that effect

  2. This government is something direct from the mind of George Orwell. The only way it will get better is if an asteroid was to hit washingtoon while congress was in session.

  3. The Feds have been intimidating the Press, and generally suppressing free speech, for decades, if not since the Constitution was ratified.

    My wife and I published a little Spanish language newspaper here back in the late ’80’s and early ’90’s. We did some coverage of the Amnesty Program. It wasn’t pro or con, just publicly available information.

    Apparently, someone in Immigration, or elsewhere, was not pleased. Our sources’ bosses got phone calls. Their jobs were threatened. We were no longer welcome in some of their offices. We were never contacted, nor were we made aware of any disinformation on our part or on the part of our sources.

    Our federal tax filings were hand reviewed every year after that for about a decade, years after we sold the paper. (That turned out to be a net benefit, as they often found little mistakes that often resulted in a larger refund.)

    We continued to publish informative articles about the Amnesty Program, among many other subjects that involved Federal agencies and policy.

    Some of our contacts ignored the threats. More significantly, some of their bosses told them not to worry about it. People were not as intimidated back before the era of wokeness, twitter storms and cancel culture.

    We were fortunate to stay off the audit list. I had an uncle who wrote a, perhaps ill-advised, letter-to-the-editor to two major regional and three major national newspapers back in the late ’50’s. He criticized Federal Agricultural policy and admonished the newly confirmed Sec. of Agriculture to change things. They all published it. He was audited for decades.

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