The U.S. Government & The Third-Party Vendor Are One – IOTW Report

The U.S. Government & The Third-Party Vendor Are One

Emerald Robinson- Earlier this month, a rather extraordinary lawsuit was filed in Colorado on behalf of eight Michigan poll watchers against the most infamous third-party vendor in the world. (For the duration of this article, let’s call that overly litigious entity: Opinion Voting Systems or OVS.) The details contained in that lawsuit are striking for a number of reasons, and not the least of them is the “Lawfare” strategy that OVS employed to silence any criticism of the company. (The entire lawsuit can be found here.) This “lawsuit warfare” campaign was so extensive that it (allegedly) chilled the free speech of regular Americans who volunteered as poll watchers and didn’t make any public statements about the company at all:

As part of this campaign, OVS publicly boasted, with the assistance of
Hamilton Place Strategies, LLC (“HPS”)—OVS’s Public Relations Firm—on its website and in interviews that its lawyers, Clare Locke, LLP (“Clare Locke”) sent letters to over 150 individuals demanding they cease and desist from “taking part in defaming OVS and to preserve all documents and communications that may be relevant to OVS’s [unspecified] pending claims” and threatened ruinous “imminent” litigation—even if the recipients of the letters did not make any public statements about OVS.

These were odd and intimidating letters. They informed people that the letter was “your formal notice to cease and desist taking part in defaming OVS and to preserve all documents and communications” without listing exactly where or how the person had “defamed” OVS in any way. more here

1 Comment on The U.S. Government & The Third-Party Vendor Are One

  1. “Biden campaign becomes first to raise $1 billion from donors”

    Remember how everybody was wondering just what in hell his campaign was spending it on, when he spent all his time in the basement? And ten people were showing up at his events?

    Lawyers and lawfare… “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics…”

    The saga continues…


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