The UK Has Deployed The Royal Navy To Stop Migrant Invasion – IOTW Report

The UK Has Deployed The Royal Navy To Stop Migrant Invasion

DAILY CALLER: Britain’s Home Secretary Sajid Javid called on the Royal Navy Thursday to help control the hundreds of migrants crossing the English Channel as he faces increasing political pressure to deal with the migrant situation.

Javid, along with other British officials, asked the Ministry of Defence for assistance after migrants were increasingly reported to be crossing the channel from France to England on small boats in 2018.

The United Kingdom’s move sends a forceful message as the number of migrants attempting to cross into the U.K. illegally by boat was roughly 434 in the past three months alone, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Britain’s Home Office announced Wednesday that 539 migrants attempted to cross the border through the channel in 2018, according to TheWSJ.

“We need to send a very clear message to people that if they embark on this journey, they are taking their life into their own hands,” Javid said in a statement Wednesday.  MORE

11 Comments on The UK Has Deployed The Royal Navy To Stop Migrant Invasion

  1. ““Because France is not a country where anyone would argue it is not safe in any way whatsoever, and if you are genuine then why not seek asylum in your first safe country?” Javid said on a trip to Dover, England.”

    I think I’ve heard. President Trump say the same about the illegal caravans and Mexico.

    The world seems to be following our president, the one the left abhors. Not only on the hordes of illegal invaders, but on the Paris sham, Irangate, pushing back on globalization and on down the list of progressive oppression.

  2. Thus passes an Empire that spanned the world.

    The generator of civilization is now a smoking, sputtering broke-axle flat-tire (tyre) jalopy.
    They seem to have lost their will to exist. The constant assault by the forces of nihilistic totalitarianism (socialism) has had its effect.
    Will we waken? Or will we succumb?

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Strict gun control erased any means of the citizens to protest the government policies that destroyed their country.

    Lets all hope we don’t see a repeat of this here.

  4. The interdiction should consist of drones to spot them, then blimps to fly over the invaders and drop bowling balls and tire rims from a thousand feet.
    Thirty day liberty for the crew with the best footage

  5. We need to send a very clear message to people that if they embark on this journey, they are taking their life into their own hands…”

    “…so we are sending Royal Navy ships to meet you halfway and bring you safely to Brit win.”

    You knows that is what will happen.


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