The Ukraine Chalkboard – IOTW Report

The Ukraine Chalkboard

Glenn Beck: The Ukraine Chalkboard (DNC Collusion, Biden, George Soros, & More) WATCH

21 Comments on The Ukraine Chalkboard

  1. The Ukraine government are hardly boy scouts anonymous. Their corruption is well documented. The Biden’s are also hardly honorable. Their corruption is also well documented. Biden, with Obama’s blessing, twisted arms in the Ukraine to get his crackhead son inserted into the Ukrainian Burisma racket. Oligarchs love their oligarchs. It’s one big club and only Democrats need apply. This is why we need to stay out of this battle. No American blood should be spilled to protect Democrat dirt.

  2. My guess is Zelensky has to die.
    He knows who was bribed and how much. He is not getting the help the bribes paid for. After it all settles down he will be ready to spill the beans.
    Russia and the US can’t let him live.
    What a shame.

  3. @mickey moussaoui March 3, 2022 at 5:39 pm

    > Trump was getting too close to exposing the big con in the Ukraine

    Q called. They said 2 weeks.

    I mean… uh… 2 more weeks.

  4. We really do need a house cleaning in America.
    The DNC, the news media, the social media all need their day of reckoning.
    The corruption has gone on for far too long and become mainstream for them.

  5. Careful Burr. Your contemptuous illustration of “Q-stradamus” will only infuriate the PST boyz who are currently soaking uo their Drambuie and Norco doses to assault this website

  6. Russian village tinker

    The actual fuck are you trying to type? I know what Drambuie is. I worked in a bah.

    Q-stradamus? The hell if I know. I don’t play violin.

    PST? …is that like Michael Jacksons song, PYT?

    Norco? n……Northern Colorado?

    One of us needs some more ESL classes.

  7. Obama’s influence on corrupting national politics was akin to injecting steroids into anonymous fucknuckle democrats resulting in delusions, impaired judgement and mania.

  8. It must be noted that that the PuddingBrain Biden is now “considering” sanctions against India, a people he has long-hated because of their skin color. The reason for his pea-brain sanctions is due to the fact that Indian purchase military equipment from Russia—way BEFORE this invasion schemed up and maneuvered by democrats and globalist lowlife fiends. Keep in mind that the racist Joe Biden has made open racial slurs against the people of India. The entire Russia-Ukraine invasion is a feeding ground for the race supremacist Biden and global conspirators to install their “new reality’ while we’re all distracted, as seen with the CCP covid biowepon release. Add the fact that since Biden and first fake crackhead son were exposed engaged in underhanded Ukraine business dealings and “big-guy/top slots” with Ukraine officials and entities, a Ukraine official was recently murdered and not for reasons the msm falsely puts into print. I’ve said way before this invasion began that at some point Ukraines who conspired with Biden will be murdered to hide the Biden money-grubbing and kill off witnesses.


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