The Ukraine War Can’t Save Biden – IOTW Report

The Ukraine War Can’t Save Biden

American Thinker:

By J. Robert Smith

Since Russia invaded the Ukraine, the U.S. news media has focused nearly exclusively on the war underway.  Wars are attention-grabbers, so news coverage makes sense.  Certainly, a war of aggression by nuclear-armed Russia in Europe merits significant coverage, though we can do without the snap analyses, ridiculous speculation based on sketchy or false reports, and warmongering.  

Domestic news coverage has been light.  There’s been some reporting on blue states and cities ending ludicrous mask mandates, except for kids five and younger in New York City.  Those poor kids will still have to wear unsanitary obedience rags at school.  Hikes in gas prices get mentioned.  Turbulence in the stock markets gets a word.  Otherwise, it’s Ukraine 24/7.

But that won’t last.  And it’s silly to think that the war has distracted Americans from the country’s festering domestic woes.  Sillier still is the idea that the Russia-Ukraine conflict is Biden’s means of offloading the troubles he’s created.  Biden and his hapless White House handlers would surely love to pin Biden’s across-the-board failures on a distant war.  But a majority of Americans aren’t suckers.      

Come November, provided Biden and his crack team haven’t blundered us into war with Russia — never discount Biden’s knack for sheer incompetence — voters are poised to deliver a slap-down to Democrats that rivals or surpasses the whippin’ Democrats received in the 2010 midterms.  Let’s add the proviso that if the elections are honest.  Mail-in balloting is opened to all sorts of mischief.     read more

13 Comments on The Ukraine War Can’t Save Biden

  1. The nation can’t get rid of Biden in 2022, but it can get rid of a lot of Democrats. A lot of Republicans need to go as well. In fact, I would be in favor of replacing all 435 Congress members and all Senators up for re-election this year just on general principles.

    It’s time for term limits.

  2. Martial law. If there is an election, it will only be with approved candidates. Nevertrumpers will purge the Republican Party, reducing it to a permanent symbolic loyal opposition — fulfilling the dreams of the parasitic neocons.

    I hope I am wrong.

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