The Ultimate Southern Competition – IOTW Report

The Ultimate Southern Competition

These are the sports that Southerners can really excel at!

12 Comments on The Ultimate Southern Competition

  1. I’m surprised they included Maryland, even in a mocking way. I’m from Maryland and only the south eastern counties would consider themselves remotely “southern”. There is a dramatic culture difference when crossing the potomac river into Virginia.
    It was funny that they used the tea reference. In Maryland you have to specifically ask for “sweet” iced tea. Everywhere further south, iced tea is “naturally” sweet.

  2. How to order sweet tea up North (including Maryland).
    1.Order a pot of hot tea and a glass of icewater.
    2.Sweeten the hot tea.
    3.Drink half the ice water .
    4.Pour the hot sweetened tea over the remaining icewater.
    5. You’re welcome.

  3. Dude said mosquitoes….nobody sept’n a yankee calls em mosquitoes…..we call em SKEETERS…and usually preceded by one or more 4 letter words up to and including the Lord’s name in vain.

  4. what? … no seed-spittin’ contests?
    no ‘tar-changin” competitions?
    no ‘diaper-changin’ in the back of the pick-up’ contests?
    no ‘how dirty that ‘pool got to be a’fore you git out?’ contests?
    no ‘front porch ‘backy juice spittin’ on the dogs’ competition?
    no ‘greased pig’ contests?

    btw, down here in Southern Merryland you have to request unsweetened ice tea … so ‘bless your heart’ ya snotty-assed bitch lady judge!


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