The UN wants to slow Global warming a teeny little bit, for a whole lotta money – IOTW Report

The UN wants to slow Global warming a teeny little bit, for a whole lotta money

CFACT: A major new study says that the cost to meet the UN Paris Agreement’s target of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees C is a whopping three times the cost to limit it to 2 degrees. That is a huge cost for a very small difference.

This big cost finding puts the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) into a serious bind. As I explained in this article, the IPCC is tasked with producing a report showing that the 1.5 degree target is reasonable. Given this new huge cost estimate they will have to dream up huge damages that exceed it. That is, the difference in global damages between the 2 degree target and the 1.5 degree target must exceed this great cost difference.

Mind you this is all just a game played with computer models, so we need to look at it that way. It is entirely possible that humans are not causing global warming, in which case this computer model exercise is really just a game. But if this game becomes global government policy the cost is ruinous.  read more

16 Comments on The UN wants to slow Global warming a teeny little bit, for a whole lotta money

  1. They can’t stop SunSpots, no matter how much they extort from us.
    And make absolutely no mistakes about it, they won’t even attempt to extort the money from the 3rd world shitholes.
    (not that money can stop “climate change” in the first place)

    This is plunder of the civilized world – nothing more – nothing less.
    Only the shithole socialist dictatorships will profit (and, of course, the psycho-messianic liars and grifters like Al Gore).

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. The weather geniuses very often can’t predict tomorrow’s weather accurately. Now they claim they can predict a half a degree difference in a hundred years. Sell the U.N. property in NY, they can use the money for whatever they want and go far away.

  3. The buggers at the UN just want to have a unlimited budgets for everything.
    Access members trillions of dollars in fees for something is going to happen naturally. This will provide new vehicles for staff, new office furniture, bigger salaries for staff, the best food and drink, on equal luxury everywhere!

  4. Don’t you mean “The UN wants to slow Global warming a teeny little bit, for a whole lotta American mone?” — most of it going to UN officials to “help” them with the process?

  5. “For some unexplicable reason, the oxygen content of the Earth stays at a constant 20.95% of the atmosphere, no more, no less.”
    Maybe these UN assholes should watch “One Strange Rock” and get educated.

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