The Vagina Booth – IOTW Report

The Vagina Booth

For whatever reason, many have never seen their vaginas. So a booth was set up so and the reactions to confronting one’s own vagina for the first time was recorded.

Here is a part of that video –

HT/ Reddecaesari

23 Comments on The Vagina Booth

  1. Don’t these people have mirrors. Every female I’ve ever known striped naked and checked themselves in the mirror. How else can you see the tattoos down there. Or shave in a landing strip. My favorite. 747 coming in for a landing. Is the runway clear?

  2. A man gets up in the morning and gets ready to go to work. He’s feeling great and as he walks into his workplace a co-worker says, “Hey, Bob. Are you okay? You look awful.”

    Bob says, “I feel great!”

    “Yeah, but you look awful. You should go see a doctor.”

    A little while later another co-worker says, “Bob. Is everything okay? You look awful.”

    “But I FEEL GREAT!”

    “You should go see a doctor.”

    Thinking that there might be something wrong, Bob goes to see the doctor. The doctor asks, “So, Bob. What’s the problem?”

    “Well, Doc. All my friends say I look awful but I’m telling you, I feel great!”

    The doctor says, “Let me check my book. Hmmm. Feels great, looks great. Nope, that’s not it. Feels awful, looks great. No, not that. Let me see here…feels awful, looks awful. Still not it. Ah! Here we are: feels great, looks awful. Says here you’re a vagina.”

  3. speaking of stymied, I totally am, as to why Cardigan’s post “Strip Club Employee Gave Lewd Jail Show” got moved to the Dark Side. After this enlightening video, I think that talented lady was just trying to get a glimpse of her own.

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