The Velvet Gulag – IOTW Report

The Velvet Gulag


In my last several AFP/CFP articles, I have tried to draw attention to the reality that the American government, and by the same token, the Canadian government, are thoroughly and deeply infested by corrupt criminals who are working to destroy our respective nations. 

There is nothing wrong about our forms of government; the problem is the individual criminals trying to wreck the sovereignty of our nations.

For at least the last 50 years, the evil criminals within our governments have crafted a very comfortable velvet gulag for the majority of the citizens to exist in. This success will continue for the majority of the population until it reaches the point where it is no longer comfortable. 

In 2024, everyone one that cares to can comfortably sit round watching their favorite sport or other entertainment on television in an unlimited fashion with nearly unlimited choices. People can line up in their cars and wait to pick up their five or six dollar coffee or even have that coffee delivered to their home. They can even order up a $20 fast food meal and have that delivered. From this perspective, life is, oh, so good, and that describes the velvet gulag. more here

7 Comments on The Velvet Gulag

  1. Steve is close; but no cigar!

    The UNIPARTY dates back at lest 62 years when JFK and Nixon denounced the conservative as an “isolationist extremist”! The UNIPARTY HAS LIED ABOUT CONSERVATIVES AT LEAST 62 YEARS.

    The “isolationist, extremist” tried, with little success, to fend off Nixon and JFK with his famous/infamous speech

    “….I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice …”!


    I was a conservative, Ronny D in ’64. Being a Ronny Dem I watched THE SPEECH – 10/64 and voted for this “isolationist extremist! In retrospect it was a very good vote!
    I AM A BIASED AMERICA LOVER; very biased!

    In 1980 UNIPARTY attacked another extremist. exCIA head ( almost all since and including ”Wild Bill” have been leftists. This liberal fit right in.) denounced the white nationalist Cal Gov.

    Worst vote I ever cast was for that lefty in 1988. Heart said, “He put his hand on a Bible and swore he had had an epiphany and was now an America lover.” Head said” He told us all in the 1980 debate that “Christianity was a “mere superstition”!” – Voo Doo Economics-). I voted my heart.

    Degenerate was not President more than 2 hours that I knew my head was right! America’s president told the world that America was a bad country!
    “ …. kinder gentler America…”. 1/91

    “They” came after Don in 2015. 6 YEARS BEFORE J5!

    J6 was a coptinuation of going after Don, directly related. Not tangental!

    Repeated for emphasis

    UNIPARTY has been persecuting conservatives at least 70 years!

  2. It’s already happening. The dummies living in Tempe, AZ. are celebrating the debut of a 15-minute city called Culdesac. A model for what they want to do to America. Part of their 2030 agenda. Doofuses sacrificing freedom for security, not realizing when the trap closes they are a prisoner who can be starved to death at the whim of a deep state bureaucrat. Arizona a supposed red leaning state taking the lead. Useful idiots easy to find in a college town like Tempe also.


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