‘The View’ hens are not excited about de Blasio run – IOTW Report

‘The View’ hens are not excited about de Blasio run

Whoopi & Boobs McCain Mock Bill De Bolshevik: Get Back To Finishing Off NYC, The Clown Car is Full.


7 Comments on ‘The View’ hens are not excited about de Blasio run

  1. ghost, that reminds me, when I was about 10 I accidentally walked close to a swan’s nest (I didn’t know it was there) and I got chased out of there by the maddest swan you can imagine. The damn thing bit me on the butt and the back of my thighs about 30 times. Scared the heck out of me.

  2. The good thing about hens is — to remove them from a nest you just pick them up by the tail (not the feathers, but the tail lump, so to speak) and toss them. You can’t do that with The View hens.

  3. Ghost, when I lived in MN, Canada Geese were EVERYWHERE. I used to take walks on my breaks at work and had to veer off the path when confronted with geese in the spring.

    When the geese were caring for the little tennis balls with feet (what I call the little goslings), they didn’t put up with anything. It only took a couple of tough guys running into the building screaming like little girls to make people respect the geese!


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