The Virginia governor race. It’s on! – IOTW Report

The Virginia governor race. It’s on!

FOX: President Donald Trump has expressed his support for the Republican candidate for Virginia governor – and accused the Democratic candidate of “fighting for the violent MS-13” gang.

Republican Ed Gillespie and Democrat Ralph Northam are duking it out Tuesday in the Old Dominion commonwealth’s gubernatorial race. Just one of two states electing governors this year, Virginia is a swing state contest viewed as a possible referendum on Trump’s first year in office.

Northam leads Gillespie by 5 percentage points in Fox News’ latest polling average. Trump lost to opponent Hillary Clinton by about 5 points in Virginia during the 2016 presidential election.

Here’s a look at the candidates.

Ed Gillespie, Republican

This isn’t Ed Gillespie’s first rodeo when it comes to Virginia politics. The 56-year-old ran against incumbent Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., in 2014 and nearly defeated him.

Gillespie is a former chair of the National Republican Committee and served as a counselor to former President George W. Bush for nearly two years. Gillespie touts his leadership within conservative circles on his campaign website, highlighting his time as chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia and work as a communications aide to former House Majority Leader Dick Armey.

Gillespie and his wife have three children and live in Fairfax County, Va. He graduated from Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C.  Continued

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30 Comments on The Virginia governor race. It’s on!

  1. The D.C. Suburb counties (NoVa) vote Dem, most of the rest of the state votes Conservative.

    VA now has Voter ID, but under Obama local precinct Dem worker ballot fraud was rampant.

    Latin cartel gangs have become such a brazen problem even the suburban NoVa swamp commuters are nervous.

    Gillespie’s run effective ads. Losing Obama’s patronage may reduce precinct ballot fraud.
    Northram has embraced the Dems’ war on whites, which may cost him.

    I’m leaving for the polls shortly, bringing two neighbors as well.
    I’ll post if I see anything newsworthy at the polls.

  2. Yes, our “choice” really sucks in the old Dominion. On one hand we have the boot-lick of Terry McAwful & the DNC, on the other we have the boot-lick the RNC & deep state. I’m going to vote in a couple of hours and my choices for LtGov & State Attorney General are clear (Vogel & Adams), but I honestly can’t decide if I’ll vote for the swamp critter, libertarian, or just leave that space blank.

  3. If the Dems lose it is only because they energized Republicans in VA that are just so sick and tired of being portrayed as racist boobs they’ll even come out to vote for an establishment swamp dweller rather than let them get away with that BS. Should have been a walk in the park for the Dem but they had to post their insane political ad, lie about it, double down and start blaming Russia.

  4. @Reb
    I agree, and believe me I have my problems with Gillespie, but a vote for a libertarian is the same as a non vote. At least we can work with Gillespie, pressure him, use our state legislators to influence him. Get to know your state senator and delegate personally. They can help with this, depending on where you live.

    Northam is disqualified completely because of his ties to Latino Victory Fund. If that isn’t a motivator I don’t know what is.
    Do you chase minority children around in your black pickup truck.
    Northam’s finger prints are all over that ad.

  5. Fox Biz just said that Virginia has already set a record for absentee ballots for a non Presidential year. That makes me nervous. Get out there. I’m headed to the polls right now.

    The good news is that northern Virginia is going to be in heavy rain very soon and for the rest of the day.

  6. Every democrat win is a TIDE-SHIFTING trend against Trump.

    There were dueling lemonade stands this summer, one for Hillary and one for Trump. The Hillary stand got .75 more in profits, and the DNC splashed that across the media as proof the Trump supporters are out of gas, and the democrats have seized power once again.

    They need to propagandize some good news after 1 year of pure negative Trump-bashing.

  7. I was going to vote for Hyra, have his signs in my yard, but I want to see the Dems implode (much as I don’t much care for RINO Gillespie…)

    The good news is that God’s in her heaven today and Virginia is experiencing “Republican weather:” chilly, grey and overcast, windy, — and rainy. Dems never vote on days like that.
    ….Lady in Red

  8. I’m just back from voting. Poll workers say it’s been heavier turnout than they expected.
    Just after voting the rain hit and forecast to continue steadily the rest of the day. Temps in the mid 40s. Plenty of “weather” for Snowflakes looking for an excuse/alibi to blow off voting.

    Four languages on the ballot, including Spanish, Korean and Vietnamese.
    In what bizarro universe should someone be allowed to vote who cannot even follow news and politics in English?

    Defeating Northram today has the bonus victory of deflating any 2020 future for outgoing McAuliffe, and creating major headwinds for Eyebrows Kaine in 2018.

  9. Respectable turnout at my precinct. I was Voter 594 out of a projected 1500 and this was at 11 am. I’ve worked this precinct and real working people start showing up after 5.

    Snotty weather, too.
    Thank you God.

  10. I figured Gillespie for a RINO, but he’s probably as Conservative as you can get in Virginia right now. One day, you won’t have to hold your nose, but for now, just see it as a vote against dems and enjoy the pain you will cause them. LOL.

  11. My voting place was a bit busier. About 8 people in there at the time I was there, 8am. In past sometimes only a couple for a mid-term. Only D signs outside and I assume Ds handing out voting guides. Who needs a voting guide as you are walking in…..? I hear on radio that turnout is up pretty good in Chesapeake (good sign for Gillespie).

  12. @MJA. Gillespie has definitely evolved on illegal immigration since he ran against Mark Warner for Senate. Back then he was a real squish when he addressed a small group of us at a friend’s house.
    He used to say that we couldn’t possibly find and deport all of the illegals. I got totally pissed off and asked why his opening position was one of surrender? Can’t enforcing employment law and drying up benefits remove the incentive to come and/or stay?

    He was not pleased with me. Haha.

    But he must have heard it from more than just me. His position is a lot closer to what Virginians want now.
    Lip service? Maybe. I’ll takes me chances.

  13. Hard for me to tell. No R signage?? The folks handing out “guides” had colored paper that matched the D signs. I am assuming they were Ds, I just walked past them. Only a couple of people briefly to talk to. Had my little girl with me (always take her to vote) and had to get her to school.

  14. I think signage and voter guides are things of the past.
    Voter guides are particularly useless, unless there are ballot initiatives that may need an explanation. Like you eluded to, who shows up to a polling place undecided?
    If you are truly undecided you just don’t participate.

    As for signs, Trump blew that up.

    Matter of fact, I have a picture on my phone of a bumper sticker I saw at a Dave Brat event.

  15. Good News, Bad News: I voted at about 2:30 and was the 1,101st in my district of approximately 3,000 registered voters to do so. However, my district is in the city limits, which tends to skew more liberal than the surrounding Virginia countryside.
    As for campaign workers, there were Republicans and Libertarians but no Democrats braving the cold wet weather outside, so maybe that’s a good sign.

  16. @daveva

    Yeah. You’re right. But he did bring in Pence, fwiw.
    Gillespie spoke on one of the Fox stations today, FMC or FBN, don’t recall. He spoke of the fact that 20% of Virginia’s economy is based on federal spending. He spoke of that as if it’s a good thing. Yeah. Some of it is, but how much state sovereignty is lost and how does that affect the way people vote.
    Newport News shipbuilding is a good thing. Quantico? Yep. A lot of the rest is the swamp.

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