The Voice Behind Many Bestselling Books On Tape Is Actually A Serial Killer – IOTW Report

The Voice Behind Many Bestselling Books On Tape Is Actually A Serial Killer


Many audiobooks are read by celebrities or even by the authors themselves, but it turns out that some have actually been voiced by a serial killer. According to a 1987 Los Angeles Times article, Edmund Kemper recorded himself reading hundreds of books for an initiative known as the Blind Project. It was a campaign set up by the prison that houses Kemper, the California Medical Facility State Prison, and even though Kemper, a fan of necrophilia, is serving eight concurrent life sentences for the murders of six female college students, according to the LA Times story, blind people are incredibly grateful for him. more

6 Comments on The Voice Behind Many Bestselling Books On Tape Is Actually A Serial Killer

  1. Susan Sarandon named her son after the murderer from Mailer’s The Executioner’s Song.

    After Mailer got him out of jail and he killed a cafe waiter six weeks after.

    It gives them a thrill to flirt with the criminal element.


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