The Votes Are In: 2021 ASSHAT OF THE YEAR AWARD – IOTW Report


Diogenes’ Middle Finger:

The voices in my head were unanimous. This year’s winner of the DMF ‘Asshat of the Year’ is not a journalist, but pretends to be one on TV.  They are one of many of today’s first generation children of immigrants, like those being nominated for high positions in the Biden Administration, all given full legal rights as a GIFT from America, who now spend their adult time on earth attacking, defaming and smearing all America has stood for. 

Our Winner for 2021 is an affirmative action graduate of Harvard University, class of ’91, with a concentration in the difficult field of study of visual art and documentation form, which made them highly qualified to type movie credits and chyrons for news broadcast. They worked a short time for various local media in Florida eventually catching the eye of MSNBC, the ugly step-sister of the once respected NBC News, who revel in elevating incompetent people to public notice. more here

19 Comments on The Votes Are In: 2021 ASSHAT OF THE YEAR AWARD

  1. Another great Diogenes read.

    “That soon led to a regular spot, a truly bat-shit crazy five & dime nutty negro hour evening gig that ramped up dangerously irresponsible racial rhetoric and conspiracy theories…”

    I gotta wipe-down my monitor…

  2. I would have had to listen to her enough to remember anything about her.

    I’m in the AOC camp due to The Entire Body Of Stupidity, Hypocrisy, & Vanity combined that she has represented from day 1.

    Her Recent trip to a free state, behaviour & commentary in the aftermath “Cemented” it for me.

    Cement, like her head.
    Cement that could help fix her grandmothers home in Corrupt Shithole-E-Ricco.


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