The VP short list is shortening, and guess who isn’t on it – IOTW Report

The VP short list is shortening, and guess who isn’t on it

Shortening“. lol

33 Comments on The VP short list is shortening, and guess who isn’t on it

  1. Dementia Joe Obiden Bama’s handlers and his wife, Dr. Jill, know that his choice for his ruining mate can’t be more attractive or too much smarter than Poor Joey. Governor elect Stacy Adams is definitely smarter than Obiden Bama, but she’s way too unattractive to pull in those wavering white guys who just vote for good looking women like that Kirsten Gillibrand or that sexy Kamala Harris. They also can’t remind men of their first ex-wives, so that leaves Amy Klobuchar and Gretchen Whitmer high and dry. This makes it very likely that he and his wife will select you know, you know…..the thing. Mooch Osmidgen.

  2. How about the more obvious none of the above. The democraps are stupid and fools if they even think any of the above are even worth of any kind of consideration to be joeys VP, They all are literally the kiss of death for the democrap party.

  3. To reword a quote from Mark Bloom of the Blue Oyster Cult

    Oh, no, they say she’s got to go
    Go, go, Godzilla (yeah)
    Oh, no, there goes Tokyo
    Go, go, Godzilla (yeah)


    Go, go, Godzilla!

  4. Stacey Abrams is a mistake for any public office, even dog catcher.

    What is ironic is the Atlanta mayor, Keisha Lance Bottoms, made the list. But Keisha went in full race war mode by ignoring APD due process by firing the ATL police officer that shot the dumbass that fired the stolen taser at the cop. She is now calling for the cop to be charged with murder. Keisha has made it to the highest level of her incompetence.

  5. Forget the tank…Susan Rice?? That’s the Deep State choice for sure. Barr better indict that bitch before Biden picks her. Otherwise it’s “Trump uses his office to target a political opponent” all over again.

  6. @Thirdtwin>
    My $5 is on Rice too. She’s more corrupt than Joe (if that is possible) and twice as evil as the homo Kenyan. In other words, PERFECT for the DNC.

  7. Everybody says the “Tank” is useless: that ain’t so!
    Crab bait.
    Alligator bait.

    The Chesapeake crabbers would have a helluva payday with THAT!

    Biden would do well to reconsider – that is, if he has anything to do with it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Rice is under investigation, several investigations, for spygate, iran cash, and benghazi. Plus I don’t know if Joe can take the risk of being seen with her, since it will bring up 0bama. He needs someone relatively spotless.
    That bitch is a lightning rod. lol

    Say, Valerie Plame of NM just lost her bid for senate. lol.

  9. This whole thing is a joke, right? I mean the democrat party. How can you be in the running to lead a country when all you do is hate said country? We’ve always been on the path to a more perfect union. Not the path of more perfect division by tearing down everything that’s good in order to draw attention to everything that’s imperfect. For the life of me I can’t figure out how anyone can be so far out in left field to vote for any of these goofs. The same goes for piece of shit rinos that are hanging out with them in left field. Oh, and since when did accomplishments get measured by how much shit gets fucked up? Recently I’ve heard more and more the republican party isn’t doing anything. And they are partly right, at the very least we should expect rino cucks to get off their ass and lay down some law they agreed to uphold. Their inaction is borderline treason at this point.

  10. Obvious reasons formula –

    Has to be a woman. – check

    Pick your choice of shades of skin color. – check

    Has to be an America hater. – check

    Actually a bit surprised Hellary isn’t on the list. Too white?


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