The Walking Dems – IOTW Report

The Walking Dems

Hope N’ Change

18 Comments on The Walking Dems

  1. Yeah zombies like brains, Demonicrats’ are infested with bad, incoherent ideas contaminating the otherwise tasty delicacy. Not tasty, but still good as road-paving material. A.K.A., useful idiots.

    Have to neutralize the master biter (**cough**soros**).

  2. Name That Zombie.

    1. Baraq Ozombie
    2. Joezombie Biden
    3. Bill Clintzombie
    4. Jayzombie Carnage
    5. Hilzombie Clinton
    6. Valzombie Jarret
    7. John Effing Kerrzombie
    8. ??
    9. Nancy Pelozombie
    10. Kathleen Sebelizombie
    11. Debbie Wasserzombie Schultze
    12. Harry Reidzombie.

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