The war on “White Feminism” – IOTW Report

The war on “White Feminism”


The latest “intersectionality” social justice warrior campaign rails against “White Feminism.” That’s right, White Feminism.

LegalInsurrection- Because every single bit of life, society, and culture must now be parsed into political subsections…

As is typical in the Land of Social Justice, each attempt to further define the the model social justice warrior leads to the alienation of the reigning Champion of the Cause.   more

7 Comments on The war on “White Feminism”

  1. “Modern feminism is no longer about justice or equality.” Legal Insurrection is a great site but my own response to this painful statement of the ludicrously obvious is (salute to Cumberbatch for the eye roll) “No shit, Sherlock!”

    “Modern feminism” has NEVER been about justice or equality. From Carrie Nation and her Temperance Movement morphing in to Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s suffragettes to Steinham/Abzug/Brownmiller’s outright androgyny, it has been about Progressive politics, the assumption of power and pure spite.

    One can begin to measure the decline of the United States as a Great Power from August 18, 1920 – the day the 19th Amendment was ratified.

  2. Short of punching these rats in the face or seeing one get hit by a car, watching them attack each other is a great pleasure. It is inevitable. These rats need an enemy every single day. And when they run out of enemies they turn on each other. Black lesbians vs. White lesbians is boring though. I want to see the war between America’s cowardly homosexuals and the moslem gay slaughtering savages.

    Homosexuals like picking fights with easy targets like the elderly women in the local chapter of the Catholic Daughters or Rosary Society, or old WW2 veterans that can barely make it up the steps into church. They even pick on their fellow homosexual pedophile priests that are doing an awful lot for them. (Not just gay sex).

    When are the homosexuals going to pick a challenging target, like one that likes playing with swords, machetes, ak47s, and dynamite ?? Day Tomp is not the only one offering free rides I a helicopter these days. Homosexuals can get one too from our moslem friends… but only one ride per homosexual.

  3. To put this as gently as possible, these hateful black feminists frankly need to get over themselves. They most likely never had a good father figure to love ’em up and now this is what the rest of us have to put up with.
    Looky here, feminist black woman, if you want to be treated like a queen, it doesn’t happen cuz u say it so, y’ feel me? need to soften that hardened heart, find a man you can not only tolerate but love too, and MAKE A COMMITMENT. I.E. MARRIAGE!
    “Ain’t no MAN gon’ tell ME what to do!”..

    How’s that workin’ for ya, oh hateful

    Instead of your butt being busted up, it’s your pompous head that needs poppin’.

    Ok I feel better now.

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