The Waste Report – IOTW Report

The Waste Report

Epoch Times:

The top waster, according to the report: estimated $48 billion in improper Medicare-Medicaid payments.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) in his latest “Waste Report” says more than $50.2 billion of taxpayer money has been wasted by the U.S. government on questionable initiatives, with the top money-waster identified as improper Medicare and Medicaid payments totaling $48 billion.

In the Summer 2019 edition of “The Waste Report” published by his office on Aug. 30, the senator identified government spending deemed as “wasted American tax dollars” on a variety of projects, including $466,991 spent on studying frog mating calls in Panama; $10 million spent on improving “green growth” in Peru; and more than $2 billion spent to convert an abandoned mental hospital into the headquarters for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

The senator’s office took on a more stern tone in commenting about the studies on the tungara frog of Panama, funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). more here

9 Comments on The Waste Report

  1. They tax and spend to their hearts content and then they tax and spend some more! We would be better off electing a random cabal of baboons then the pukes we now have fermenting in public office!

  2. We really need to cancel everything, 100%, and start from scratch. Audit every expenditure for what value it provides. I guarantee 10% would be cut immediately (and that’s leaving all the social security and medicare payments in).
    That’s my dream as an accountant.

  3. It sounds like the fools are wasting their money, but it is ours. Throw some bastards in jail for 20 years. They need adult supervision, Rand. How about taking the lead in forming a taxpyers oversite group to conrol questionable expenses.

  4. @ Charlie WalksonWater
    Although baboons are the loudest, most dangerous, most obnoxious, most viciously aggressive and least intelligent of all primates, collectively calling them a Congress is insulting the creatures.

  5. Not wasted – stolen.

    In the FedGov we called it “Fucked Up By Design.”
    You simply can’t have that much incompetence for that long.

    If the schools are fucked up for 100 years – there’s a reason.
    If money disappears from Medicare – there’s a reason.
    If tax dollars are channeled to ACORN and COMINTERN – there’s a reason.

    To “believe” otherwise is exceptionally naive.
    “Wow! Every time I hit my thumb with a hammer – it hurts! Watch!”

    izlamo delenda est …


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