The Weather Stick – IOTW Report

The Weather Stick

Who Needs a Weather App When You Can Get This Weather Stick?

-AtlasObscura: A thin twig that can predict the weather. Seems unlikely. But that’s exactly the shtick behind the weather stick, a natural barometer of sorts that you can nail to the side of your house, garage, or teepee.

Around 16 inches long, the spindly stick will smile upwards in anticipation of good weather (clear skies and sun), and deflect downwards before rain or snow. No batteries required—and yes! “They Really Work”.

But how, exactly? Not just any stick, it turns out, can serve as a weather stick.  more

10 Comments on The Weather Stick

  1. Some of you may not be old enough to know what he was talking about here, but many years ago one of my co-workers looked out of the office window and saw an approaching cold front that had that sinister mix of dark gray and coke-bottle green clouds that usually indicates heavy rain and hail (and sometimes worse). He stood there watching it for a minute, then observed, “Hmmm…looks like the little boy and girl went in and the old witch came out.”

    I’ve always thought that comment was priceless.


    P.S. – If you don’t get it, Google “weather house”.

  2. I’ve had a weather nut for years. I keep it outside. If it’s wet, it’s raining out. If it’s cold, it must be winter. If it’s white, it’s been snowing. Easy to use.

  3. I have one of these! I named him Richard. In the morning when I check him, if Richard is standing at attention, I know it’s going to be a great day. If he’s a little down, oh well….in the words of Scarlet O’hara
    …tomorrow is another day….😉

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