The Week In WTF? – IOTW Report

The Week In WTF?

Democrats, big tech, and especially the liberal media went to great lengths this week to protect Joe Biden. Rather than being WTF?, that’s just business as usual. Here however is some stuff that was a little more unexpected:

28 Comments on The Week In WTF?

  1. Since when do onions look like boobs? Someone’s got too much of a perverted imagination to see that. I’d be offended too if I was an Uber driver and the guy in the back seat let out a great big smelly fart. I wouldn’t fight with them but I’d quit giving him a ride and kick him out of the car. I liked the Asian headlines as well and how do you win a friends sex toy.

  2. MJA – I love it
    Out of curiosity, was that Kamala with the biggest cheeks? Looks similar.
    Being a software engineer for many years, I am not sure how those onions look like breasts, though computers are very literal. Just saying, the programs need an update.

  3. …ok, the horse one recalls an ER story I read once that is a cautionary tale about this kind of thing.

    Guy shows up at the ER holding a bloody towel in his crotch. They get him on the cot and the doc has him reveal, and is gifted with the sight of a badly macerated, partly avulsed penis that merrily resumes bleeding profusely. They staunch the bleeding and summon a plastic surgeon, and ask him what the hell happened to give him such a severe penile injury with no damage anywhere else.

    After some hemming and hawing and neighing, he said “I tried to make my mare do something she didn’t want to do”.

    …turns out, he had somehow become infatuated with the idea that a horse’s lips were soft, and evidently discounted the facts that (a) horses don’t do oral sex, (b) horses don’t like having things jammed in their mouths, and (c) horses have strong jaws lined with broad, flat teeth that are designed, along with the horizontal motion the horse’s jaw is made for, to grind grains…or rip flesh.

    Which is what this horse did.

    …in the end the damage was too severe and they were unable to salvage the misused member, althogh one can wonder how hard they tried.

    Not sure a moral in a story is of any value to zoophiles, but perhaps if you plan to rape a horse, you shouldn’t stick in anything you’re too, eh, attached to…

    …I don’t know his ultimate fate, this was many years ago, but it wouldn’t surprise me to find his name was changed to Savannah…

  4. The LA Lakers story reminds me of a few years ago when the Super Bowl was in Phoenix. The Sheriff (Sheriff Joe?) Put up billboards saying that law enforcement would not tolerate any of the wild abandon that usually follows Super Bowl games. The NFL tried to get officials to cut the fans some slack. They refused. That was one of the few Super Bowls that did not have a ton of violence afterwards. Funny how that works.

  5. RogerF
    OCTOBER 18, 2020 AT 1:23 PM
    “…We will have to trade stories from my time on the ski patrol with yours.”

    …you may fire when ready, Mr. Gridley.

    …got any 🐎 ones?

  6. SNS – some good, some glances with royalty, some interesting. A tree branch up the ***, a time when AJ from the Backstreet Boys went snowboarding when he shouldn’t have and popped his shoulder and they had a concert that night.

  7. SNS – considering your background on ambulances, I will cede that you have seen a variety of things that I have not. And I think we can both agree that there are some things we have seen that should never be posted. But the variety can be interesting.

  8. RogerF
    OCTOBER 18, 2020 AT 1:42 PM
    “…a time when AJ from the Backstreet Boys went snowboarding when he shouldn’t have and popped his shoulder and they had a concert that night.”

    …and you rescued him?

    So the Backstreet Boys could continue?


    …just kidding, ours is not to question why, and even the Backstreet Boys were created by God for…some reason, you did what you had to do regardless of the pain inflicted on the world by them later…;)

  9. RogerF
    OCTOBER 18, 2020 AT 1:52 PM
    “SNS – considering your background on ambulances, I will cede that you have seen a variety of things that I have not.”

    …perhaps, but not this time. I only READ about THIS one, gets pretty boring on 12 hour standbys sometimes and this was pre-Internet so I had the station library sometimes and nothing else…on the other hand, I can tell you a lot about famous and not so famous plane wrecks from the ’80s and ’90s because we had ALL the NTSB reports and they weren’t very good to read if you were planning a trip on a plane later, just sayin’…

  10. SNS – I never even considered that when I helped those in need, and I am guessing you didn’t either.
    However, it was interesting talking with him and his security team. They were teenagers. Yes, they were rich, but they still dealt with the normal things that teens had to deal with. The biggest was probably being away from friends and family. No, the regular security and band ‘friends’ do not make up for things.

  11. RogerF
    OCTOBER 18, 2020 AT 1:58 PM
    “Oops, I broke the HIPAA law.”

    HIPAA wasn’t a “thing” in my day, and I wasn’t a doctor so no doctor/patient confidentiality stuff really in force there beyond City regs so I could easily make sure the cops heard some things they needed to hear about some scumbag transport confessions, but I never had anyone famous, so they’re all pretty safe now as I’m sure I’ve forgotten their names anyway…I tossed my notes years ago too, didn’t need them for any legal reason and some things are best left forgotten…

  12. RogerF
    OCTOBER 18, 2020 AT 2:02 PM
    “SNS – I never even considered that when I helped those in need, and I am guessing you didn’t either.”

    …I’se kidding, Rodgers, didn’t you see the ;)?

    …and trust me, I treated PLENTY worse than them, wrote about a few of ’em here, you gotta do what you gotta do, oath and all, plus I don’t REALLY know enough about the BSB to have a real opinion, just funnin’, it gets a little heavy around here sometimes and that make me welcome silly threads…

  13. I suppose my biggest point is that celebrities are still people. Some of them are a-holes, and should be treated that way. Many are not, and they should be treated as they represent themselves.

  14. …my only brush with fame is that Blake Shelton hugged my wife once, but he hugged a lot of OTHER women too and my wife doesn’t like him any more, so I’m OK with that.

    …he never hugged ME though, so I’m not sure if that makes him an asshole, or just not gay, or maybe a not gay asshole, I can’t be sure…

  15. SNS – I am guessing you had more brushes with fame than that, but you are too modest to admit it. Wait, did I mention SNS and modest in the same sentence? Bad roger.
    j/k SNS. I fully respect what you have done.

  16. ^^^

    IDK, I am wordy, but I’m usually a side character in my own stories. I’ve just been privileged to see a lot of things and work with some great, ordinary folks, and I like to share it when I think it fits, maybe a bit too much.

    …but I may blow my own horn at times, too.

    No one else’s is mine to blow.

    And it just kind of sounds gross that way, so I’ll stop…


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