The Week In WTF? – IOTW Report

The Week In WTF?

DefConNews: In one of the most horrifying attacks to take place at SeaWorld, a killer whale bit off a swimmer’s penis and held him underwater until he drowned. more

20 Comments on The Week In WTF?

  1. ..they call them “KILLER” whales for a REASON.


    …pretty easy to not have your penis gnawed by a killer whale: don’t go busting security and clim in the tank with a killer whale is ALL you would have had to do.

    This is a Darwin Award with oak leaf clusters.

    Even the WHALE thought of a way to make extra specially sure this man NEVER reproduced again, in any way, shape, or form.

    Give that whale an extra treat.

    As a reward, and to take the taste of Stoopid out of its mouth.

  2. ..this orca has actually killed THREE people. it is with MUCH better detail…

    …from that article…

    “The peculiarity of this case isn’t that Dukes was in a tank with a whale but why his body wasn’t discovered until the early hours of the morning.

    Despite the existence of numerous cameras at SeaWorld, Dukes somehow ended up in Tili’s pool and interacted with him before dying. The incident escaped all surveillance and eluded all visual checks by SeaWorld observers whose core job involved performing wellness checks on the whales around the clock.”

    …did someone above say something about how did he anger the Clintons?

    “Cordoba also informed the sheriff:

    ‘The body that I observe had no clothes and I could not identified if the body was male of [or] female.'”

    …why do you suppose THAT was?


    “After noticing the feet draping Tilikum’s left side, Dougherty said he climbed upstairs through the hatch and saw, “a white male without clothes noticeably livid [discolored, bluish appearance] and rigor mortice.”

    Rigor mortis, meaning stiffness, is considered the third stage of death and occurs when chemical changes in the muscles stiffen the limbs. According to Explore Forensics, when combined with lividity, rigor mortis is a “means of determining – or at least estimating – when the deceased died.”

    When paramedic Jimmy Rotondi arrived on scene at 7:30 a.m., he stated that Dukes had, “no pulse or respirations” and he also confirmed the presence of lividity and rigor mortis. Noting that the body bore “multiple abrasions and small lacerations,” Rotondi added that a 3-lead heart monitor showed “asystole” [no discernible electrical activity] across the board.”

    …um, not sure what their local protocols are, but if you have dependent lividity from your blood not circulating for a LONG time, rigor mortis, and, oh, A GAPING AVULSION FROM A VERY VASCULAR ORGAN THAT ISN’T BLEEDING, I don’t really think you need to waste the stickum on the 3 lead to decide if he’s dead, all that OTHER stuff made it preeeeety manifest. Put away the Lifepak and get out the body bag, we’re done before we started here rescue-wise.

    Must have been quite a tussle, tho.

    “Dukes’ autopsy report, posted here by Tim Zimmermann, offers a glimpse into what Dukes endured during his time with Tilikum. His black nylon swimming trunks were noted to have “the crotch and inner leg seams torn open.” Tili had avulsed [to separate, cut, or tear off by avulsion] Dukes’ pubic area.”


    ‘Dukes had left his clothes folded at west the side of the pool but after the recovery of his body, divers were forced to enter the water on another retrieval mission. At around 9:20 a.m., lead SeaWorld diver Roger Bankston entered G-Pool with the specific purpose of photographing the “items in the pool.”’

    …WHAT “items” do you suppose THOSE were?

    …pretty odd business here. Reads more like a hit than an idiot. Could be some eco-idiot, true, but could also be a symbolic hit BY an eco-idiot, but we’ll probably never know…

  3. All a big misunderstanding. The whale just thought he was participating in Sea World’s new policy of accommodating gender reassignment surgery for their employees. He was just trying to help.

  4. @SNS—
    That poor whale has a long, sad story. The documentary outlining the horrors these poor whales suffered at the hands of SeaWorld is hard to watch. They’re majestic, intelligent, family-oriented creatures and deserve better. Tillicum should be euthanized and put out of his misery. Idiots who climb fences to interact with wild animals are stupider than the animal and deserve their fate

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