The Welfare Queen and the Democrat Money Laundering Scheme – IOTW Report

The Welfare Queen and the Democrat Money Laundering Scheme


Can somebody tell me why American taxpayers have to foot the bill for Planned Parenthood?

They’re not the VA.

There are plenty of dimwitted celebrities and sanctimonious feminists willing to give them buckets of cash.

And clearly they’re not hurting for money.

After all, Planned Parenthood’s own records show rising profits, rising abortion rates and declining “preventative care.”

So why in the Sam Hill do they need taxpayer funding?

Well, the answer is simple.

Planned Parenthood is the biggest, money-grubbing Welfare Queen in the country.

And to ensure that it keeps getting half a billion dollars in taxpayer money every year, this Welfare Queen has put in place an impressive money laundering scheme.  more here

14 Comments on The Welfare Queen and the Democrat Money Laundering Scheme

  1. I’d Say Having Money to Hand Out to Politicians, Means They Defenitly Don’t need Money From Anyone Else !
    If They Cared at ALL , they Would Donate to Stopping Teen Pregnancy !

  2. Top 10 Welfare Queen companies (Arms sales):

    Lockheed Martin ($36B)
    Boeing ($31B)
    Northrop Grumman ($28B)
    General Dynamics ($24B)
    Raytheon ($23B)
    L-3 Communications ($13B)
    United Technologies ($11B)
    SAIC ($8B)
    Oshkosh ($7B)
    Computer Sciences Corp ($6B)

    To be sure, the govt does get some value for the money spent, but the overcharging for value received is eye-watering. More seriously, the govt uses some of these arms irresponsibly and causes the death of innocent people,

  3. What’s $500+ Million dollars (not counting State’s grants) between the political whores of Congress and Planned Parenthood?
    Both facilitate the murder of the unborn by intent, with deliberation and premeditation.
    A National Disgrace.
    God have mercy on this nation, may your righteous judgement be swift for those who promote, practice and fund death of the unborn.

  4. If the GOP members are serious then have them pass a law in tandem to funding for Planned Parenthood (after Trump has finished filling all those pesky vacancies including a couple more to SCOTUS) that after the second abortion a woman gets her tubes tied during the same process if the government is paying for the process. It may seem a little extreme but if it happens twice then the woman hasn’t the self-confidence to demand that the man use birth control so she’s using abortion as a form of birth control and that should be abhorrent to any human being. If she wants to use this horrible method then she can at her own expense.

  5. so sick of these fucktards … why do they deserve our support? they won’t repeal a system that is designed to kill people, particularly the elderly (ObamaCare)… now we continue to throw taxpayer money at an organization who’s sole purpose it to eradicate ‘undesirable’ children & give taxpayer money to the democRat party?

    we gave them a majority & they make excuses to do nothing! fuck ’em. they will not get my support in the future … they are worse than the dems
    Obama can steal $155 Billion from the Treasury, surely Trump can find enough to build a wall & defund despicable PP
    time for Trump to go nuclear! …

  6. EDIT: … “Obama can steal $155 Billion to bribe Iranians to get Valarie Jarrett’s star on their Walk of Fame …. ”

    (abusing memory one edit at a time 🙂 )

  7. Uncle Al,

    No, you have half the 411 there pal. The DOD will approach defense contractors and inform them, you know we looking for a weapon that might do “X”. That R and D is on the defense contractor. No guarantees if what ever contractor comes up with their ideal killer weapon that they will actually throw any money at it. First tier defense contractors are the tip of the spear for our armed forces. Everyone hears one side of the equation. Theirs a lot more to be considered.

  8. Didn’t Planned Parenthood give Big Bucks to Ossoff’s campaign in Georgia? How can they get taxpayer dollars, then make donations to partisan candidates? Next time they whine for Taxdollars why doesn’t some asswipe in Congress remind them of the $$ PP has DONATED !?

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