The Well-I-Nevering News Media – IOTW Report

The Well-I-Nevering News Media

Patriot Retort: I had to rest yesterday afternoon thanks to Lupus, but it was probably the most entertaining down time I have ever had in my life.

The fun started when I was tootling through Twitter and saw this:


They say that laughter is the best medicine.

And after I read that letter from the President, I can tell you that’s true. Instantly, I felt a thousand times better.

Part of my delight was knowing we were about to be hit with a Category 5 Hurricane of Well-I-Nevering histrionics from our Guardians of the Truth.

And they didn’t let me down.

I lay with my iPad propped on my lap watching the news media carpet bomb Twitter with their angry, over-the-top well-I-nevering over President Trump cancelling this vanity trip thirty minutes before the plane was to take off.

And while Congressional Democrats were sitting on a bus waiting to go to the airport!!!

Come on! That’s the best part!

Man, my cheek muscles got sore from all the grinning.


16 Comments on The Well-I-Nevering News Media

  1. From the link: “Troops despise visits from VIPs. It does nothing for them and makes their lives miserable in preparation.”

    I can personally attest this statement is true. And as far as the Army circa late 70’s, the bar for “VIP” was very low. Didn’t matter, you prepped like hell on top of what ever else you had to do.

  2. Aaaaaaaaannnnnd then she sputtered that President Trump endangered their lives by revealing the trip!
    How ’bout !NO! you damn, silly, botoxed dummy!
    That would be called saving yer stupid, vapid, worthless, lying, federal tit-sucking life you dumb bitch!

  3. President Trump should have waited until they were halfway there,
    Then turn them around. They would’ve had nothing to do but sit and stew over how badly they were screwed. No media present, no way to contact any until after they got it back!

  4. This was a futile move by Trump. A more masterful move would have been to fly these useless jackwads to Afghanistan, and then refuse to fly them back to the US. The Democrats get to enjoy at least part of their junket, Pelosi and her compadres are now the Taliban’s problem, and the US perhaps has a chance to replace them with less corrupt politicians. Win-win-win.

  5. God, I love my POTUS!
    This memo coming from the most respectful and correct President ever in my opinion and lifetime, The best Troll ever f’ing with career, somehow elected scum that we’ve had to put up with for decades.
    In other words Nancy, eat it,,,

  6. Either that or fly them half way, let them get good & sauced, then gently turn around and fly back and let them wonder why “Brussels” looks so much like Washington!
    No there would be some priceless expressions to capture on film!



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