The West Antarctic: Poster Child of Global Warming is Getting Colder – IOTW Report

The West Antarctic: Poster Child of Global Warming is Getting Colder

Breitbart: The West Antarctic has become yet another victim of global cooling.

According to the latest study, in Nature, it has experienced

“an absence of regional warming since the late 1990s”.

“The annual mean temperature has decreased at a statistically significant rate, with the most rapid cooling during the Austral summer. Temperatures have decreased as a consequence of a greater frequency of cold, east-to-southeasterly winds, resulting from more cyclonic conditions in the northern Weddell Sea associated with a strengthening mid-latitude jet. These circulation changes have also increased the advection of sea ice towards the east coast of the peninsula, amplifying their effects.”

What all this means, in plain English, is that the climate alarmists have just gone and lost one of their most cherished poster children.  more

25 Comments on The West Antarctic: Poster Child of Global Warming is Getting Colder

  1. Oh, the raillery of the fucking peons!
    See, it’s so obvious – except to fools and Fascists!

    The region is getting cooler BECAUSE of Global Warming!

    All the stored up heat from the Anthropogenic Global Warming is being shunted into the cold depths of the Indian Ocean where it passes through a Tantalus-type worm-hole of ginormous proportions, to be unleashed in the Arctic!

    This is the END!

    This is the DIRECT RESULT of air conditioning units and trees!

  2. Global cooling is the second greatest threat to mankind, second only to global warming. The global temperature shall be what the progressives decide upon. Any natural variations must be assigned human cause and stopped by force of law. The progressive science is settled.

  3. I heard on the radio the other day that “scientists” have used thousands of our tax dollars to study spiders and have “learned” that spiders have developed different PERSONALITIES in order to cope with “global warming.”

    I want my money back. …

  4. Prayers for the Left Wing vacuous, dumbed-down Ignorami:

    We believe in one Planet,
 Mother of us all: the Earth,
 fragile and endangered by pollution, 
both seen and unseen.

    We believe in one agency, the EPA,
the only thing standing between us and oblivion,
created by Washington to protect us. 
Its god-like rulings must never be questioned,
we understand its decisions are
 begotten, not made.

    The EPA is one with the Federal Government. 
Through it all things were made,
 for us and for our salvation.
 The EPA hands down judgments as if from heaven.
    The EPA was crucified under George W. Bush, 
it suffered greatly but soldiered on.

    And now has arisen again to write new regulations
 which shall be treated as Scripture.
    Under Barack Obama, the EPA has ascended to new heights 
and is seated at the right hand of the Federal Government.

    It shall never cease judging people and companies, whether living or dead,
 and its kingdom shall have no end.

    We believe in the Holy Planet, the Earth, the giver of life,
 which may soon be completely destroyed by man-caused global warming.

    Through the the Federal Government and the EPA,
 the Earth is worshiped and glorified. 
It has spoken through the Prophet, Rachel Carson.
 We believe in climate change, regardless of what the evidence may show.

    We acknowledge that humans are the source of all environmental sins.

    We look for redemption thorough recycling,
and look forward to a completely regulated life to come.
    Obama is my shepherd; I shall not want.
    He maketh me to lie down with Barney Frank.
    He leadeth me toward still voting booths.
    He restoreth my welfare.
    He leadeth me down the path of food stamps for his name’ sake.

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of Hillary Clinton, I worship the evil, for thy Occupy Squatters art with me.

    Thy propaganda comforts me.
    Thou annointest my head with bullshit.

    Forgive us for our emissions, lead us not into prosperity and deliver us from climate denial. Surely more entitlement programs and government intervention shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the Democratic Peoples Republic forever and ever.

    Put your hand on the radio and say Amen!

  5. Prayer for Conservatives:

    Dear Lord: The last eight years or so have been pretty rough.
    You have taken my favorite actors, Paul Newman for instance and my favorite actress, ElizabethTaylor, my favorite singer, Andy Williams, my favorite author, Tom Clancy, and my favorite comedians Robin Williams and Joan Rivers.

    So in addition I would also like you to know that my favorite politicians are Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid…

    Oh, and I have a very special place in my heart for Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton.


  6. Rat Fink, how about plagerizing koran verses instead of Bible verses? That prayer is used at many Christian funerals and it is very popular with the troops too. It is considered sacred.

  7. Oh, and that idiot Kerry’s pronouncement re: air conditioning; just another tax coming your way. Like the ‘footprint’ tax they supposedly pay for use of their jets, abundant water, and houses, and super big cars.

    How many ways can we say fake, phony, sham……..

  8. Dear Global Warmists,

    Homo Sapiens is the most adaptable species on this planet. However, there is a non-Gaussian distribution of adaptability among our species. On the left side of the curve is where you reside. Do the rest of us a favor and leave the planet now so we don’t have to feed and house your sorry asses when the human race begins to die from its own stupidity.

    Yours truly,

  9. Liberals believe they see ‘behind’ every issue and it grants them a superior, knowledgeable world view.
    Here is what I see.
    All these elite billionaire globalists are using the specter of Global Warming to achieve this goal:
    They want the world to be divided into only two classes.
    The governing/priestly class, and the rest of the world. This is why they are pushing this one world crap.
    They want the majority of the world to live in third world economic poverty in order to secure an abundance of resources for the elite.
    They are trying to establish the idea that poverty of the majority is good for the planet. The elites want us to buy into this sham.
    They will eventually try force, but guilt works for now, and its cheaper.
    All the little liberal Hitlers running around are under the impression that they will be granted elite status by virtue of their efforts.
    They are wrong.
    They will end up in the camps with me, where they will be used to spice up the rather bland diet.

  10. @Rat Fink

    you guys can do that how ever you want, but you should know that a lot of people, especially Christians, do take offense to that. In the Church it is known as blaspheme.

    And I don’t mean to offend either of you guys or act like I am holy – no man is holy. I don’t look down my nose at anybody.

    But I do get shocked when somebody messes with the 23rd. Psalm. It rattles me every time. There are a lot of soldiers who have that Psalm tattooed on their arm or engraved on their weapon. The original version.

    Have a great weekend.


  11. @Unruly: I’m just saying that I’m pretty sure God can take a little kidding without considering it blasphemy.

    After all, if He didn’t have a sense of humor, he wouldn’t have given us the duck-billed platypus. Or two terms under Obama.


  12. Vietvet, your example was not so bad; I’ve seen things close to that in different churches. But inserting 0bama into biblical scripture — I cannot think of a better way to anger God Almighty.

    People have been struck down by God for offering unholy fire. Wouldn’t want to see that happen to you guys.

  13. Global warming is good! You can grow food in a desert if you can get water there. Unlimited energy through nuclear power can mean unlimited desalination plants.

    It is very hard to grow crops on a mile thick ice shelf.

  14. The Japanese fought the jungle.
    The British adapted to the jungle.
    The Americans made the jungle suit THEM!

    The American approach is to force Globaloney Warming (whatever its source or reality) to bend to American will and become a net benefit.
    Sadly, the “officials” we “elect” have little understanding of what being an American is all about.

    izlamo delenda est …

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