The West Is Still Swallowing Hamas Propaganda – IOTW Report

The West Is Still Swallowing Hamas Propaganda

Anyone watching the media coverage of the war in Gaza could be forgiven for thinking that civilians, and only civilians, are being killed.

13 Comments on The West Is Still Swallowing Hamas Propaganda

  1. Israel needs to go full Old Testament on Hamas and the other terrorist groups in the middle East and wipe them off the face of the earth. There will no peace for Israel until Hamas etc. are totally decimated. Hamas is the real enemy and not Israel.

  2. Yep, kick some/all Palestinian asses, take names or don’t, the only chance at success is a smoldering crater.

    Curiously, the media seems to ignore the continued (continuous? sporadic?) rocket and mortar attacks.

    Palestinians had their own country in practice, chose rulers who starved the people and refused to provide medical care for their own people instead diverted any moneys to weapons, continuously attacked Israel, and then cried about how Israel was, “being mean.”

  3. “Anyone watching the media coverage of the war in Gaza could be forgiven for thinking that civilians, and only civilians, are being killed.”

    They would also think that Biden is sentient, the 2020 election was the most secure in history, the Russians torture their own deserters with explosives, The Fed has a plan to bring down inflation, and those in power really do want the best for us.

    Those folks that care about truth and strive to be an informed voter, they can separate the wheat from the chaff.

  4. There is evil on both sides. Hamas and The Synagogue of Satan. Look up “New Patriot” on Brighteon if you are interested in a different perspective. The speaker, John, is a former evangelist and church planter in Easter Europe during Iron Curtain times.

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