The ‘White Dudes for Harris’ Zoom call goes over like a lead balloon – IOTW Report

The ‘White Dudes for Harris’ Zoom call goes over like a lead balloon

After years of berating, emasculating, and vilifying white men, the Kamala Harris campaign has realized they desperately need their votes. With straight black men jumping ship, they launched the “White Dudes for Harris” campaign. It was as cringeworthy as you’d expect, and it went over about as well as a lead balloon.

31 Comments on The ‘White Dudes for Harris’ Zoom call goes over like a lead balloon

  1. “Politics is all about vibes”. Only if you’re incapable of thinking. Only if you don’t currently purchase food or fuel. Only if you do not participate in the economy. No Back Door Pete, politics is about policy for most of us.
    There wasn’t enough combined testosterone from the participants in that call to get a little chub.

  2. These asshat democRATs are as tone deaf as a stone!
    It’s just a nuther 6,000 mile Snake Oil change interval!
    More bullshit from the party of worthless, belly-aching, federal tit-sucking parasites who have no standards, morals, scruples or ethics! It’s almost fun to sit back and watch them crap their Stuart Smelley Depends® as it drives them crazier than a Shithouse Rat to realize they are slowly shrinking into irrelevance!

  3. Dear Sean Astin: I already belong to a men’s group who meet and share their feelings. Here is a snippet from our last meeting:

    “How’s everyone feeling?”
    “O.k. Anyone want to practice on the gun range and then get some brews?”
    “F**k yeah. Let’s go.”

    Come to think of it, that’s a verbatim transcript from our last 10 meetings.

  4. All these “dudes” vote the way their wives tell them. Wearing pussy hats, sitting in the streets with a “Stop Oil” sign, and joining dopey groups like this, are all tactics used by simpy men to ingratiate themselves to women to get laid, women who already think they are weak and undeserving.

    The only thing worse than lib white men are lib white women, the absolute worse;

    Imagine going home to that every night.

  5. Dear Sean Astin,

    I belong to a large men’s group that meets every month to discuss the best way to rip your head off and shove it up your ass. Have a lovely day.

    General ‘Get Off My Planet’ Malaise

  6. Bunch of faggots with testosterone levels so low they could compete as women in the Olympics.

    Mayor Pete talking about, “So much politics is just vibes. Having said that, the vibes right now are incredible.” No, Mayor Pete, that’s just your prostate massager.

  7. Feelings is what liberal women talk about. For real men, and real women, our feelings come out of the business end of our firearms.

    Like: Here’s my feelings, sissy soy boy…BLAM BLAM BLAM.

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