The WOKE Quiz – IOTW Report

The WOKE Quiz

Wokeness is an insidious leftist plot to destroy our culture with indoctrination, grooming, and redistribution of wealth. Here’s a quiz to test your knowledge of the weapons welded in this unholy war:


0-4: You are getting sleepy

5-8: You’re up but you still need your coffee

9-10: You are wide awake to the propaganda

29 Comments on The WOKE Quiz

  1. I missed the sports bra one too. I don’t consume much commercial TV or go anywhere that they push such things, so it might just be I haven’t been exposed. It’s been some time since I’ve had much interest in bras other than the masectomy kind anyway, so I’m certainly not going to look at one encasing a hairy chest.

  2. SNS – I had never heard of that particular commercial, and thought that the logo written in the material was too obvious to be real. The sports bra commercial that made the news was the one that Dylan Mulvaney wore, and it wasn’t the one in the quiz.

  3. stirrin the pot
    AT 8:22 AM

    I had sisters growing up and girlfriends as I got older, but the circles I lived in weren’t the ones that would buy upper end designer underwear anyway. As a result everything I know about Calvin Klein was that Brooke Shields, flat as she was, looked good in them (she had a Michael Jackson level of media saturation then), and that Marty McFly supposedly wore their shorts in “Back To The Future”.

    Somehow I don’t think this guy is gonna do for them what Brooke did.

    But its not my rabbit, so I’ll probably never even know if it does…

  4. Woo Hoo, I am unwoke as all get out. 10/10, I aced it, easy peasey, lemon squeezy. Unlike getting an A in my racism and sexism class in college 40 + years ago because I parroted back all their bs to them. I would flunk it now because I don’t believe any of their leftist bullshit anymore, thank God. And I don’t want any free shit from the gubmint because its price is the loss of freedom.

  5. 9/10 missed the bra ad. I owe my high score to the education I received from IOTWR. Mrs. R used to buy CK stuff occasionally, but then stopped a few decades ago when he did an ad sexually depicting kids or something.

  6. The answers were obvious. Here’s a quiz question: What US President held an LGBT party and told them he was working hard for them? What US President groomed his followers to vote for a gay President, and take a lethal dose of an untested vaccine? You vote for that, you are the problem.

  7. I just have 1 gripe with that quiz.

    Target isn’t marketing cock tucking swimsuites to GIRLS. Girls don’t have cocks, so nothing to tuck. They are marketing to cultural marxist indoctrinated parents who are abusing their little BOYS with some pretzel logic to believe they are girls and reinforcing that behavior by buying items that hide their God given anatomy, likely as a stepping stone until they find a doctor to perform the genital mutilation surgery.

  8. Claudia
    AT 10:26 AM

    The Calvin Kline name was on the bottom white part of the bra.”

    …perhaps, but that wasn’t an image I had any interest in zooming in on, or looking at really at ALL.

  9. 10/10

    Well, at least Calvin Klein (and Victoria’s Secret, big fashion designers, etc.) certainly aren’t promoting “unrealistic beauty expectations” anymore. πŸ™„


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