The Women’s March sponsors a nationwide student walkout – IOTW Report

The Women’s March sponsors a nationwide student walkout

PATRIOT RETORT: A Nationwide Student Walkout? Bring it!

Egged on by scurrilous Leftists and the mainstream news media, “activists” are planning a nationwide student walkout.

[…] I  love the fact that the Left just don’t comprehend how their repeated need to push too far and too hard always blows up in their faces.

And clearly they don’t comprehend it because they just keep doing it.  GET THE STORY

21 Comments on The Women’s March sponsors a nationwide student walkout

  1. Make sure they walk to the nearest gang-infested neighborhood to demand the gang-bangers surrender their weapons. Tell them that line about “you’re either with us or against us”…I’m sure they will see the error of their crime-addled lives and you can have a big party to beat all those AK’s into plowshares (or is it hammers and sickles?)…

  2. This Hollywood mother fuc getting involved in shit . This people living in gate community, with bodyguards,with guns . And this people want to take away my second amendment This is not Venezuela, North Korea, Cuba. I will fight .

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