The Woolly Worm Festival – IOTW Report

The Woolly Worm Festival

Banner Elk NC: Since 1978, this quirky, world-famous festival has been used to predict the upcoming winter weather for the North Carolina High Country.

According to legend, the 13 bands on the woolly worm (woolly bear caterpillar) represent the 13 weeks of winter. Brown bands indicate a mild week, black bands indicate a cold, snowy week. Since every woolly worm has different colors, the Woolly Worm festival holds races to determine which worm is used to make the forecast.

Saturday’s winning worm receives $1,000 and the honor of predicting the upcoming winter. Races continue on Sunday, with that day’s winner receiving $500. more

16 Comments on The Woolly Worm Festival

  1. Here in Michigan we always had a saying that the larger the black band, the colder the winter.

    My sister saw a woolly a few days ago that was all black.

    ARGHHHHHHHHH 😳 I think I’m going to move south!

  2. “ARGHHHHHHHHH 😳 I think I’m going to move south!”


    Nah. It’s way too hot in the mean time. At least you’re used to dealing with the cold. Down here, we consider burning things that shouldn’t be burned when we’re cold.

  3. Caterpillars that look like that in the south are considered painful experiences. I knew them as “asps” as a child. Once you’re stung by one you become paralyzed when confronted with one again. You just don’t don’t take the risk again. Especially when it’s several of them at the same time.

    This link does not even come close to the variety of patterns you may see with them

    I had a dozen or more waiting for me on my front porch when I came home from school at 7 years old one day. They were quite interesting that they all had different patterns and colors on them, but they were all to be avoided at all costs.

  4. @ ShakeNbake We missed the Woolly Bear festival this year. It’s not the same without Dick Goddard. Our pine trees have very few cones which is supposed to mean a mild winter. We’ll what happens.

  5. See! See! Global Warming!
    Awww shaddup!!

    Eugenia – we used to go when the kids were young! We just saw a couple of Wooly Bears yesterday! Dick Goddard was a Cleveland icon for decades! Good times!


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