The word ‘step’ is insulting to those who can’t walk – IOTW Report

The word ‘step’ is insulting to those who can’t walk

NBP:A student at Montclair State University authored an essay on “inclusive languages” that advises college students to avoid the word “step” because it is hurtful to those who can’t walk.

Jessica Mahmoud “enjoys smashing the patriarchy, questioning the gender binary, and making new friends,” and she also blogs at Uloop, a news and classified ads site for college students. In her latest piece, “On Inclusive Language,” she advises college kids about what words to avoid if they want to be properly inclusive of everyone around them. Mahmoud’s suggestions are, to say the least, quite expansive.

For example, using the word “step” should be avoided.

“At my school’s LGBTQ Center, we have guidelines in groups and trainings and one of them is ‘move up, move back.’ The idea of this is to try and get people who don’t normally talk to move up and speak and those who do to move back and let others do so,” Mahmoud says. “I was informed that the guideline is move up, move back and not step up, step back because that leaves out those who cannot step. Not everyone is able to physically step, so try to use move or movement to be more inclusive.”

Mahmoud is upset about plenty of other offensive terms too. Like “lesbian.”  more

36 Comments on The word ‘step’ is insulting to those who can’t walk

  1. “I was informed that the guideline is move up, move back and not step up, step back because that leaves out those who cannot step. Not everyone is able to physically step, so try to use move or movement to be more inclusive.”

    How about “move” being offensive to people who can’t move?

  2. All I can think of off the top of my head is. “One small move for man, one giant move for mankind,” uh ah, personkind.

    Now Herr Mahmoud if you would just move over here to the edge of the cliff and……………

  3. To avoid offending transgenders, Mahmoud proposes the alternative phrases “Riots not diets” and “F*** society’s bulls**t. You do you.”

    ZOMG! How insensitive and insulting! Saying “Fuck” to an asexual is like saying “hurry up” to a three-toed sloth! And “Bullshit”?!? What about those poor neglected cows? Don’t they shit, too? How reactionary!

  4. Isn’t speaking insulting to the mute? And writing insulting to the illiterate?
    Sounds like this little queef needs to zip it and stop writing so as to lead by example.

  5. Jessica Mahmoud “enjoys smashing the patriarchy, questioning the gender binary, and making new friends.”

    Now I ask you, what kind of imbecile is gonna want to be friends with a moron who “enjoys smashing the patriarchy, questioning the gender binary, and making new friends”?

  6. Words like “think”, “reason” and “obvious” are like Holy Water to these devils. We have the world’s largest collection of fcuked up Lefty Lunatics running the damn asylum! They’re not just content with fcuking with each other, they want to fcuk up our kids with their sick, twisted mental illness. When you understand that the Left surreptitiously operates their agenda-driven, two-faced cabal beneath the perceived protection of some Irony Dome of Political Correctness, you will understand the real motivation behind their tactics is to weaken America any way possible with the ultimate goal to destroy her. My sole hope is that is this stupid shit will collapse before our country does!

  7. How about the word “beer”? If someone is struggling with alcohol issues just hearing the word might send them over the edge. How about “drink”, if you said that in front of someone who was thirsty you could really have a problem on your hands. And then there is “food”………..

  8. Bad_Brad July 10, 2016 at 7:27 pm

    This is why I never use the word “Shit” anymore. Apparently some people can’t because they’re full of it.

    Best zinger yet! LMAO!

    The writer is insulting to those who can’t read his insults.

  9. I can’t wait until this little self-absorbed twatwaffle graduates and has to work for living to pay off the student loans she’s accumulating for her precious degree in Grievance Communications.

  10. I’m sure if I went to my local garden supply and asked for a “moving” stone, they’d … you know. Is a child acquired into your household through a second marriage now a “move child?” That would create “move” mothers and fathers, yes?

    I’m reminded of those kids at that NH college and Triumph the Insult Dog:

  11. @greetings, she’ll probably be in line to enroll in SNAP she she will be unemployable.
    From her intro:
    ‘Hey I’m Jess, a student at Montclair State University studying Journalism with a minor in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Studies’

    I wouldn’t hire her to scrub litter boxes.

  12. So when will the word steps be removed from the lexicography? And then how will we ever get up the stairs? Guess we will have to crawl up them like a mindless slug. Step right up ladies and gentleman into the abyss. Who’s going to be the first to step over? Liberals and progtards first and we will even give them a push. This whole thing makes me fell like we’ve stepped into something that’s unreal and surrealistic. Welcome to the next step, The Twilight Zone. And you know obviously of course that now the you’ll have to abandon the 12 step program for alcoholics.

  13. Interesting that a woman named Mahmoud would be complaining about patriarchy and gay rights here. Why not the place where a name like “Mahmoud” comes from? Wonder if she’d enjoy “smashing the patriarchy” there?

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