The World Is Moving From Left To Right – IOTW Report

The World Is Moving From Left To Right

AND Magazine:

A political tide is rising that is ignored, downplayed, and intentionally misinterpreted by the mainstream media. Clearly stated, the global liberal establishment is being challenged on every continent.

On the European subcontinent, home to 750 million people, political currents are reversing, and those shifts are definitely to the right of center.

In Spain, conservatives dominated local elections earlier this year and the conservative Popular Party gained 13% to become the largest faction in parliament. Alarmed, socialist Prime Minister Sanchez offered the Catalan separatists amnesty for their failed secession in 2017 in order to get their support in forming a new government. That scheme ignited weeks of protests across the country, demonstrating conservative power and anger.

Finland has a new conservative government under Prime Minister Petteri Orpo that is tackling the power of labor unions, unemployment benefits, and other unsustainable costs of Finland’s former far-left welfare program. more here

36 Comments on The World Is Moving From Left To Right

  1. This is why it’s critical for Trump to stay on point.
    Don’t get distracted.
    No 3AM social media posts about inconsequential bullshit.
    Keep an even keel and don’t hang out with nutjobs like Loomer and stay the course.

    Of course he won’t…

  2. @LocoBlancoSaltine: Keep an even keel and don’t hang out with nutjobs like Loomer and stay the course.

    And don’t align yourself with faggots and abominations to God. Don’t go pushing a deadly vaccine that has killed millions. He brings these problems on himself trying to be everything to everyone.

    Spare me the cattle car scenario….

  3. OK, how about the cutting ones nose off despite their face?

    Again, tell us who to vote for that might have a chance of saving our country besides Trump. Give me a viable alternative. I’ll wait. Of course unless saving the country just isn’t that important to you.

  4. Okay, I was trying to be serious for a moment. Now for the fun facts in keeping with the spirit of the article:

    1. Earth’s rotation on its axis follows the ‘right-hand rule,’ i.e., it rotates counter-clockwise and forms a ‘thumbs-up’ in the direction of North when you wrap your right hand’s fingers in the direction of rotation and open your thumb! Coincidence? I think not! Thumbs-up for Right!

    2. Earth’s revolution around the Sun follows the same scheme, as do all the planets! Think THAT’s a coincidence? “God would not permit that to happen!” 😆

    3. The Coriolis Force caused by the Earth’s rotation causes warm air rising from the Equator and moving toward the poles to deflect to the RIGHT to conserve angular momentum! In both Hemispheres! Bingo! More RIGHT mindedness!

    4. Using the right-hand rule again, if your thumb points in the direction of an electric current, your fingers curl to represent the magnetic field produced by it! Yay! Go Maxwell! RIGHT on!

    And there are many more examples of the supremacy of RIGHTness (and RIGHTeousness), however, time does not allow (and the arrow of time moves from left to RIGHT! Right?)

  5. Brad, I offer Trump unsolicited advice because I want him to succeed.
    It’s very important that he does.
    I don’t want to see him snatch defeat from the hands of victory.
    I will still vote for him.

    Now you on the other hand continue to bash the most conservative man the party has had since Ronald Reagan.
    Far more conservative than Donald Trump, BTW.
    Of course you can’t offer legit criticism since RDS has a stellar, unimpeachable record of conservative victories.

    My agenda is to defeat the left.
    Trump ALONE won’t save the Republic.

  6. I’m all for Trump, but I agree with Loco, sometimes Trump acts like he is afraid of Republican opposition like DeSantis when he should embrace the good DeSantis has done, while pointing out why he is still the better choice. He makes great statements, and then offsets them with petty ones.
    Thanks to the internets, thinking people are becoming more libertarian, more conservative. The key, of course, is translating that movement to voting – and to counting the votes legitimately. The Left knows that their only recourse is obfuscation of the truth, and outright crime.

  7. ” like DeSantis when he should embrace the good DeSantis has done,”

    I don’t think using DeSantis is a good example. Trump seems to be pretty convinced DeDantis betrayed him. Trumps done with DeSantis. No matter who you feel is at fault these guys will never swap Christmas Cards.
    But other than DeSantis there is a method to Trumps madness.

  8. “betrayed”
    OMG! There is a LOOOONG list of folks that you could say “betrayed” Trump.
    DeSantis is nowhere on that list.
    They BOTH endorsed each other and campaigned for each other in 2018 & 2020.
    DeSantis helped deliver Florida for Trump.
    He owes Trump nothing.
    All debts have been paid.
    Trump living in Florida benefits a TON.
    Trump would have suffered far more with Gillum at the helm.

    P E R I O D

  9. Hey Loco
    I include this in attempt to keep you from busting blood vessels in your brain.

    “No matter who you feel is at fault these guys will never swap Christmas Cards”

    Obviously I failed. But the above is the truth.

  10. @LBS, MONDAY, 11 DECEMBER 2023, 15:07 AT 3:07 PM

    A quick interweb search shows race direction is arbitrary. Doesn’t seem to follow LH vs RH side of the road. While US car, horse, people tracks go CCW, the track at Natl Corvett Museum was driven CW, at least the day I was there…

  11. Brad, I’m a calm as a cucumber.
    Not arguing really.
    Let me check my watch, yes current pulse rate is 42 beats per minute.

    I was simply pointing out that the “betrayal” canard is just that.
    I do agree that Trump believes that but it is unfounded in reality.

  12. @General ‘Right’ Malaise:

    3. The Coriolis Force caused by the Earth’s rotation causes warm air rising from the Equator and moving toward the poles to deflect to the RIGHT to conserve angular momentum! In both Hemispheres! Bingo! More RIGHT mindedness!

    Dang it, I can’t let that one stand! Sorry, General, but the Coriolis forces in the atmosphere make air currents heading for the poles deflect to the EAST, meaning to the RIGHT in the Northern hemisphere, and to the LEFT in the Southern one.

  13. ^^^^^

    Now we’re getting some where. Because in the long run it doesn’t matter what you or I believe. It’s sad honestly. But I do think DJTs been shot at and shit at from so many different sides his trust probably needs to be earned.

  14. This “movement to the right” (which I’m not disparaging) is fraught with new dangers. Nobody here thinks the left will concede peacefully, and what form that will take will be cataclysmic, imo.
    Personally, I think the ’24 election will be pivotal.
    This election will be stolen again., despite all the new laws enacted to “strengthen” all the old laws which were ignored. All those laws will still be ignored.
    “In time of war, the law is silent” The marxists are at war.
    Seeking a peaceful path will be to our detriment.

  15. Brad, I sure hope he has learned to verify before trusting. If he had any failures in his first term, it was to place trust in the wrong people. Of course, we all did at first. And maybe they WERE trustworthy, but everyone has some skeletons and they were found out … so they could be blackmailed. Or just lured by the dark side.

  16. I get it that RDS is currently “opposition” to Trump in that he is a competitor for the Republican nomination.
    Albeit not much of a competitor, which is understandable.
    Nobody would have a shot against Trump this cycle.
    Trump should ignore RDS.

    Damn, I seem to have pissed off another anon cuck.

  17. Dan K.
    I think next year will be far crazier than any of us could ever predict.
    Think how bad it will be and multiply it by an exponential factor of covid- George Floyd- I can’t breathe-hands up don’t shoot- my son would look like Trayvon- the police acted stupidly- Rodney King- fine people on both sides- he crossed state lines- mostly peaceful protests…

  18. Claudia

    Agreed. He should have dance with the people that got him there. I heard he reached out to Bannon last week. That’s a good start. I’m sure he had a lot of pressure from the deep state (McConnell) on certain appointments. I’m betting THAT won’t happen again. He’s also told Flynn publicly that he’s going to need him. If he is successful at staying alive and getting back in, it’s going to be one heck of a fight.

  19. “I think next year will be far crazier than any of us could ever predict.”

    It’s going to get real dangerous. We have never been this much at risk. Anything from a bazillion Military Aged foreign Invader to our own Federal Agencies are after us.
    Fun Fun.

    “Damn, I seem to have pissed off another anon cuck”

    I think all of us old timers should stop responding to anything Anon.

  20. Uncle Al – but not when viewing the Earth “North Up!” I refuse to turn my head upside down let alone set foot in the Southern Hemisphere again! (Except maybe to visit Patagonia.)

    Loco – counter-clockwise horse and car racetracks? Except those industries seem to always be ‘making a Left turn.’ 😉

    Curl your fingers and place your bets thumbs up!

  21. @General — Point taken, and it’s a good point in general (pun intended). Always consider the frame of reference, and the position of the observer.

    BTW, Patagonia is boring, very boring. At least until you’re at the Straits of Magellan and then on into Tierra del Fuego. Just head straight to Ushuaia for starters and then go North until everything around you looks the same! If you get to Río Gallegos or Río Turbio, you’re gone too far.

  22. Brad – 14:33

    Pretty sure (very sure) that the expression is “cut off your nose to spite your face”. I hope you don’t mind, I like to be right and appreciate being corrected so I don’t continue my mistake.

  23. Sure day r, who, when, where? There’s a method to his madness.
    Which some call cuckoo for cocoa puffs. Well soon your Supreme Court will decide on his claim of immunity. Can go a couple different ways, the lower courts ruling stands, no standing, his immunity is limited but does not include insurrection coup attempts for they do not fall under Presidential duties. Or he is totally immune from persecution, (Aw) from bigly bad man Jack Smith. I see guilty & lock em up in his future.


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