The World Is Waiting for Bernie Sanders to Drop Out – IOTW Report

The World Is Waiting for Bernie Sanders to Drop Out

Bernie Sanders has done the math, but he doesn’t like the answer.

PanAmPost: Hillary Clinton has a nearly unbeatable lead in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination — 2,293 delegates to Sanders’ 1,533 — that only requires her to win about 100 more delegates to clinch the candidacy.

But Sanders, in what many are viewing as an unorthodox, political faux pas, is not stepping down. In fact, he plans to take his campaign all the way to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on July 25, seemingly regardless of his poor odds.

“In the past three weeks voters in Indiana, West Virginia and Oregon respectfully disagreed with Secretary Clinton,” a spokesperson wrote in a May 19 press release in response to remarks Clinton had made about the race being all but done.

“We expect voters in the remaining nine contests also will disagree. And with almost every national and state poll showing Sen. Sanders doing much, much better than Secretary Clinton against Donald Trump, it is clear that millions of Americans have growing doubts about the Clinton campaign.”  MORE

4 Comments on The World Is Waiting for Bernie Sanders to Drop Out

  1. He’s hoping for an indictment to come down from the FBI/DOJ. Not gonna happen, Killary has already sent out notices that anyone who messes with her run for President will be killed by suicide.

  2. All signs here on the left coast point to Sanders thumping her in the California primary. There are a LOT of “decline to state” registered voters here. And they can vote in the Democrat primary. For the next couple weeks, I am all about the Bern.

  3. He can’t even clown her about her emails and all the rest. How is he going to beat her?
    If he was as loud as trump and the dummies at MSLSD about her lawbreaking, he could have snuffed her out already. For a commie, he sure doesn’t have the balls for bloodsport.

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