The WORST in American History!! – IOTW Report

The WORST in American History!!

16 Comments on The WORST in American History!!

  1. Compile all the testimonials from our government criminal assholes who PRAISED JackassJoe as their lifelong FRIEND and STANDUP GUY, etc. etc.

    Start with the McCains, next the Cheneys, Yertle McConnell, Romney… ad nauseum NB: all GOPes

    Then move on to Schmuckles, Pelosi, Manchin…
    all those decrepit, EVIL lifelong career thieves!

  2. Jackass Joe was installed to permit the hijacking of the United States and looting the Treasury like an inner-city CVS while looking like a complete Buffoon! The record shows that he’s been a pervert, criminal and inveterate liar who thinks he’s brilliant, brags about his high IQ and being at the top of his class, but the real truth is he had to lie, cheat, steal and plagiarize his way thru college just to claw his way to the BOTTOM of the class! Since then he has spent over a half century in politics as the most unproductive bottom sucker never having done one single productive thing in his miserable, fcuking life! He’s not an American. He is the Manchurian Dingbat!

  3. Anybody know anything about the 2nd worst, Jimmy Carter? Last I heard he was in hospice care at home. I assumed that he was about to shit his dying turd, but it’s been several weeks now. walk toward the light Jimmy.


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