The Wu-flu breaks out at WHO headquarters – IOTW Report

The Wu-flu breaks out at WHO headquarters

Were they using Chinese soap?

Breitbart: In an unforeseen case of physician heal thyself, 65 World Health Organization (W.H.O.) headquarters staff in the Swiss lakeside city of Geneva have reportedly been laid low by an outbreak of the coronavirus.

The cases of the virus have been found amongst among staff, including five people who worked on the premises and were in contact with one another, an internal email obtained by The Associated Press shows.

AP reports the U.N. health agency is investigating how and where the five people became infected — and that it has not determined whether transmission happened at its offices.

W.H.O.’s confirmation Monday of the figures in the email was the first time it has publicly acknowledged the outbreak.

“To my knowledge, the cluster being investigated is the first evidence of potential transmission on the site of WHO,” Dr. Michael Ryan, the agency’s chief of emergencies, told reporters Monday after the AP reported on the internal email. more

15 Comments on The Wu-flu breaks out at WHO headquarters

  1. “The cases of the virus have been found amongst among staff, including five people who worked on the premises and were in contact with one another”

    How many of them were actually sick and how many were just the result of (possibly flawed) testing of everyone there?

  2. ^^^^ Not the nurses doctors, emt’s, cops & FD etc. ^^^^

    I specifically mean the Fauchi’s & Tedroses of the world with their desk jobs and expensed caviar & champagne dinners.

    They have not lost a penny in income while everyone else gets creamed.

  3. According to someone picking up an order-to-go, our useless gov was spotted having dinner with a maskless group at a local restaurant the night before he announced he was Covid positive. WHY hasn’t the restaurant closed as a precaution and where are the others who should be hunkering down at this time, including the bodyguards? What a dickhead super-spreader and dickless associates.

  4. I can’t make up my mind to be 100% positive that ALL of the WHO workers were wearing masks properly, or NONE of them.

    What I AM 100% positive about is it is one or the other, and that we will never know because it would be too revealing of the reality of the Chicom Lung Rot.


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