The Wuhan Virus Pandemic has Exposed the American Ruling Class – IOTW Report

The Wuhan Virus Pandemic has Exposed the American Ruling Class

American Thinker:

At the culmination of a national health or societal crisis in the United States, it has become de rigueur for the media and innumerable pundits ensconced within the professional class to perform a post-mortem on how the citizenry handled the crisis and what lessons the rubes in fly-over country should have learned. But in the current pandemic, the top levels of professional class that populates the ruling class and runs the media and the major institutional bureaucracies has irretrievably unmasked itself. And the in the postmortems that will come, they will be found deficient.

Credulous Cowards

An immutable tenet of today’s ruling class is that if someone or an institution within their power base is labeled as “experts,” then these authorities are not to be questioned and their assumptions, predictions or projections must be treated as gospel. The century that followed the rise of the Wilsonian progressives, who idolized a powerful government run by educated experts, saw enormous scientific, medical, and industrial achievements the hands of experts, the products of higher education. The professional class, usually products of higher education, grants deference to certified experts, and the media makes celebrities out of those experts that support important goals of the ruling class. Experts have had a very good century.

In the early stages of the coronavirus outbreak, the World Health Organization, a darling of the American elites, claimed China was successfully mitigating the spread and the virus was not spread by human to human contact.  Other experts, such as Dr. Anthony Fauci, claimed the virus was not a serious threat.  These proclamations were believed without question by the ruling class as is borne out at the time by their public statements, published articles and mocking of President Trump for taking the threat far more seriously than any of the nation’s elites.

However, on March 16, an even higher echelon of experts, the Imperial College in London, came out with a study projecting 2.2 million Americans would die if no mitigation took place or 1.1 million if an unprecedented societal shutdown were imposed. This immediately became the new mantra and the media arm of the ruling class was dispatched to spread this apocalyptic message far and wide and to now vilify President Trump for not doing enough soon enough.

Within 10 days, however, the Imperial College walked back their doomsday scenario reducing the fatality estimates by over 90%.   Nonetheless, thanks to our media class, mass hysteria was consuming the nation, so more experts were needed to keep up the drumbeat of fear and trepidation.

Enter the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation on March 25, predicting a meltdown of the nation’s health care system due to an enormous shortage of hospital and ICU beds throughout the nation, as well as up to 162,000 deaths. The immediate necessity of a societal lockdown, regardless of the economic or human cost, was thus cast in stone.  Since that original study, the IHME has revised their study three times reducing their projected death toll by 60% and downgrading the need for hospital and ICU beds by more than 80%. 

During this entire period of time, the nation’s elites never questioned or highlighted the errors of either the experts who claimed that the virus was under control and not a major concern or those and their projections which were used to shut down the nation and cast untold millions into unemployment and unbelievable distress.  By mid-March, their media arm had created such a groundswell for a national lockdown that any countervailing studies by numerous non-preferred but eminent doctors and scientists in the United States and around the world were ignored and their research not permitted to see the light of day.

One must conclude, therefore, that the ruling class is too credulous to question any of their annointed experts and too cowardly to ever admit their own errors  in judgment. read more

12 Comments on The Wuhan Virus Pandemic has Exposed the American Ruling Class

  1. and “the top levels of professional class that populates the ruling class and runs the media and the major institutional bureaucracies” understand is that they can manipulate enough of the ‘hoi poloi’ to keep them in the ‘ruling class’

    they own the air waves & all communication. they have achieved a Police-State with miniscule ‘shots fired in anger’. we are ‘workers’ now … how many times a day do you hear ‘workers’ mentioned? ‘workers’ denote unskilled labor, nothing more skilled than a manually-operated terrain-altering tool (a shovel). with this panic over a virus they are destroying the middle class & like sheep, we go to the slaughter

    like George Carlin famously said, “They have this club, & we’re not in it)

    … now inject your Clorox & be grateful!

  2. The article had to bring my alma mater located right in my native city.

    Permit me to sum up:

    The ruling class – including the University of Washington – is…


  3. One of the things that this has accomplished is that we have shown China, Russia, Iran and the Terroist’s that with Biological wepons they can win a war by destroying us with out firing a single shot.

  4. SAC VET – I regard what’s happened as ‘their first round.’ But you’re right, the rest is by us from within.

    There’s an old expression, “When America sneezes, the world gets a cold.” (Or something like that.)

    America has self-hypnotized and come down with a case of self-destruction. The world? Not in great shape either.

    Round Two? I really don’t know. The military experience in me says ‘prepare to be hit hard.’ But our own self-destruction may just do that for us. Chaos is building daily.

  5. There are places you go, because you want to, you insist on, you demand to, kill brain cells. They’re usually on the “Hunter was pegged here” tour.

    Then, there are those that carry the warning (from Hunter), “Dude! Don’t even!”. Like this.

    If you Periscope Tijuana donkey shows (plural) to your seven-year old’s iPhone 11 Pro Max, you should still be embarrassed to admit, even watching, even being tempted by the sign, even being in the neighborhood of, this hard a show of pedestal lickery.

  6. When they came out with 1.1 to 2.2 million Americans dying due to China/WuHan Coronavirus Flu……mainly the over 60 crowd……

    TPTB shit their pants……because TPTB (our leaders) are typically over 60….while the young Americans went on Spring Break to celebrate the Boomer Remover…..

    So TPTB hooked in the youngsters with a few youngster deaths……

    Now that flu season is ending……TPTB are desperate to extend the economic logdown…..because……Orange Man bad.

    I’m hoping that this Coronavirus acts like another seasonal flu…..

    BTW…….when’s the last time you heard TPTB refer to it as the Coronavirus Flu…?


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