The Young Jerks – IOTW Report

The Young Jerks

Want to see a stupid bint?Screen Shot 2015-03-03 at 7.44.10 PM

This is Ana Kasparian of The Young Turks, a show she co-hosts with the bloated dimwit Cenk Uygur, a guy so stupid he was replaced by Al Sharpton.

I have no patience for her brand of inanity and I’m not going to pussyfoot around and write clever passive aggressive crapola all designed to insult her as scathingly as possible, but in a palatable, watercress sandwich, William F. Buckley kind of way. I have limited talent and I won’t invest the energy trying to impress blogs that are appalled by iOTWreport’s crassness. So I cut to the chase – she’s a moron.

Ana is an atheist, but she has gone to bat for a Muslim, calling a judge in Canada a bigot because she demanded a woman take off her hijab in her courtroom. The judge has zero-tolerance for hats or head coverings of any type, which is within her discretion.

The no hat zone is the very essence of equality. NO HEAD COVERINGS FOR ANYONE, including hats worn by orthodox Jews, and even yarmulkes.

But this dope is claiming this is bigotry, and she speculates that the judge must have a special bug up her ass for Islam.

Allowing the hijab for Muslims, but no cab driver caps for anyone else, would be granting special privileges for some, no?

Since when are atheists in favor of granting special privileges for religious groups? I’m speculating that Ana has a special lollipop up her ass for Islam.

What is this hipster doofus trend that compels the vapid, ones previously at odds with religious groups, to stand with their newest BFF, the Muslim?

See her stupid rant HERE




26 Comments on The Young Jerks

  1. “What is this hipster doofus trend that compels the vapid, ones previously at odds with religious groups, to stand with their newest BFF, the Muslim?”

    In her case, and probably in most cases, it’s daddy issues. The rest of them gladly turn tricks for filthy Wahhabi lucre.

  2. More on – more on insufferable mental prattle from an empty headed useful idiot.

    I want to see idiots like this do a live feed from Saudi, or Yemen, or some other moose lime throwback country.

  3. You really are gonna fisk a 3rd rate has been (and I’m being generous here) on a 3rd rate internet show (again, being generous) about being inconsistent? In this case, I actually know who she is, because I do follow the enemies, but this dumb ass cracker ain’t worth scratching the chrome on my bumper!

    She is not worthy of your fisking Big Guy.

  4. “I wouldn’t let her suck my circumcised prick even after I was d-e- double- dead.”

    Thanks Flip! Now my ID is demanding me to pay for therapy for having to view that line. That will take a big piece of my paycheck to deal with this mess!

    Junk Wigger was pretty much, like most progressives, as dopey as he fancied himself sharp. Because that chapter of ‘The Young Turks’ is past, more than ever, ‘Lean Forward We Much’.

    Now pair the intellectual struggles of Ana Kasparian with the intellectual stylings of Al Sharpton and commence Buffoonery Blast-Off. Remember we much, Rev. Al “The Young Turk” Sharpton.

  6. If Ana was a lone wolf with her views you’d have a point Menderman.
    But since she represents the pervasive view of hipster doofus millennial shitstains I see no reason not to choose her as the jumping off point.

    Besides, from wiki-
    The show offers internet-only video content via their YouTube channel, which in April 2012 averaged 750,000 views a day, and by November 2014 over 1,400,000 views a day.

    The Young Turks have over 1,000,000 subscribers.
    That’s a large reach.

  7. This same brain damaged twit that thinks this muslim woman has an inalienable right to her religious beliefs thinks that it’s wrong for Christians to “impose their religious beliefs on others” (stated during the last minute or so of the linked video). I am continually amazed by the cognitive dissonance so prominent among leftists of all ages. As a boss of mine once told me, “truly stupid people are too stupid to understand that they are stupid” – this dolt is evidence of the truth of his statement.

  8. Yes, it is a large reach. It is like reaching down and scratching your balls. Her reach never goes beyond their base. She is not a Beyoncé or a Kardasian that gets attention in what some call a real world. She is in the basement of life. Lets leave her there.

  9. Right, Seaoh.

    Atheists must see islam as the best tool for wiping out all true religions, hence the cheer-leading. Fckn idiots will probably convert to islam when the time comes for Hajji to remove their empty head from their useless body.

  10. She’s so full of s**t. At the end she says she’d like to hear back with our “perceptions…er, ah and perspectives” even if they differ from hers. I call Bull Crap. All she wants is for the commenters to tell her how smaht and perceptive she is, and she’s probably looking for a “You’re pretty” here and there as well. I have a nephew who cited the “Young Turks” in debating a point with me. I nearly cried that someone so smart, who was brought up in a conservative home, could be so easily swayed to the dark side.

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