“… their feed is the Twitter equivalent of diarrhea. It’s unreadable.” – Musk slams NY Times. – IOTW Report

“… their feed is the Twitter equivalent of diarrhea. It’s unreadable.” – Musk slams NY Times.

The New York Times is the first large account on Twitter to lose its legacy verification.

Prior to April 1st, the New York Times had a yellow check mark next to its Twitter account to signify its authenticity but that yellow verification mark has now been removed.

6 Comments on “… their feed is the Twitter equivalent of diarrhea. It’s unreadable.” – Musk slams NY Times.

  1. “…well, their fans are illiterate”

    That’s an understatement bro. They’re freaking brain washed zombies with the lack of ability to think for themselves. If the NY Times or CNN didn’t tell them what to parrot, they’d have nothing to say or no opinion.

  2. Brad
    AT 2:04 PM

    “They’re freaking brain washed zombies with the lack of ability to think for themselves.”

    …but they DO enjoy using their crayons to color in the pictures of President Trump the NYT published, which is GREAT for Crayola because they burn through the orange ones they are told to use pretty fast and you have to buy an 8 pack to get Orange, so there’s that.

    The OTHER consumer of their product doesn’t read either, but treats their words with the reverence they deserve.

    Every time they pepper the bottom of their birdcage.


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