Theory – IOTW Report


Patriot Retort: Remember back in early January when then President Barack Obama went up to the Hill to meet with Congressional Democrats? The meeting was ostensibly to strategize on how to protect Obamacare from repeal.

But now, I’m not so sure that was the purpose of this meeting.

See, I have a theory.

I don’t think Obamacare was the main subject of this meeting between the Community Organizer and the minority party.

Sure, they may have mentioned Obamacare.

But I don’t believe that was the central theme of this little cabal.

We are twenty days in to Donald Trump’s presidency, and still members of his cabinet have yet to be confirmed. And I believe this was by design.

My theory is that meeting back in early January laid the groundwork for how Congressional Democrats were going to prevent Donald Trump from being able to assemble his Cabinet.

I think they nailed down the strategies they would use to demagogue, slander and delay the Cabinet confirmations.

But it’s more than that.

20 Comments on Theory

  1. I think you’re giving O too much credit. I doubt his thought processes are sophisticated enough for actual strategerizing (😜 Stole that from W). Certainly correct that what we are seeing is an executed plan, versus spontaneous. I just believe that it’s by someone else’s design, i.e., Jarret, Soros, or …

  2. I’ll wager he also scooched over to Ryan, McConnell, McCain and Graham’s office to put the slo-walk on Obamacare repeal as well as designated staffers as leakers.

  3. “I think you’re giving O too much credit.”

    I’m not so sure he’s the guy ultimately calling the shots. But I bet George Soros and half of CNN were given the minutes of the meeting.

  4. Anything to further Obama’s legacy, i.e. further disruption, deceit and destruction of our Constitutional Republic.

    So why hasn’t Rino Ryan and mealy mouth McConnell moved on Trump’s appointees?
    Have they ignored the fact the GOP has a majority or are they leading the RINO/Progressive establishment to obstruct Trump and the people’s agenda?
    I suspect the latter.

  5. I’m not worried. It will all come to pass. The left has let down its guard for all to see.

    Voter ID laws will fix this in a few cycles. We can’t undo 100 years of creeping demoria in 21 days.

  6. It’s the whites versus the reds all over again. There is no room for any compromise, and the soon that Ryan, McCain, McConnell and the rest realize this, the more clear the course of action will become. The Democratic party has been hijacked by the left, and the left must be thoroughly defeated.

    It will be a long road. I would suggest that the first thing real Americans do is take back control of the school system. Children and young adults need to be taught that current tactics by the left are not, and have never been acceptable in this country. Furthermore, when it comes to college, perhaps we should make it more difficult to go to college instead of easier – how many more useless women’s studies majors do we need?

    The left isn’t being stealthy anymore, and this is good because they don’t have a majority. In fact, I think the Republicans will benefit from middle of the road Democrat defectors. Don’t continue to finance this lunacy with government dollars, and take away the dollars going to state and local goverments who blatantly refuse to follow the law.

  7. The Resist campaign was based on Republicans reacting in typical Republican fashion — capitulation. While there has been some of that among the Establishment, even they are getting tired of being “gentlemen”.

    The Democrats did not have to win the presidency in order for their plans to go forward. Certainly, they were devastated about the loss, but their plans were meant to work, regardless of the outcome. They want the country divided. They crave polarization. They would have preferred that we were the ones seceding, but it still works if California leaves. Heads they win, tails we lose. At least, that is how they see it.

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