There are beads of sweat forming on Newsom’s top lip – IOTW Report

There are beads of sweat forming on Newsom’s top lip

The Recall Newsom effort is making Gavin nervous- Patriot Retort.

Ten months of lockdowns and tens of thousands of Californians out of work, and finally Gavin Newsom discovers one job that absolutely must be saved — his own.

The Recall Newsom effort has grown by leaps and bounds over the last couple of months and suddenly Gavin is faced with the real possibility that he will join the tens of thousands of unemployed in California.

So he’s lifting his stay-at-home order.

Just how self-centered and self-important would one have to be to not give a damn about the economic damage these lockdowns have caused to the citizens you supposedly serve until the job that hangs in the balance is your own?

Talk about cynical. more

15 Comments on There are beads of sweat forming on Newsom’s top lip

  1. What bothers me is seeing people cheering the lifting of the stay at home order. It isn’t like he is offering freedom, he is moving back to purple, dining outside at whatever capacity some stooge that has never run a business has decided. It worries me greatly that everyone seems to be accepting and happy with this limited freedom that Biden said would continue (restrictions) until fall and then they’ll find some other reason to extend it. Open us all up 100% and stop this insanity!

  2. Wanna know a term that irritates the fuck out of me?

    “new normal”

    There is no “new normal”. There is only normal, but the left can’t or won’t get us back to it.

    Screw these corrupt swamp whores.

  3. I’m just going to throw this in.

    Five Republican senators sided with Democrats and voted “no” on the GOP motion to dismiss the impeachment trial:

    • Lisa Murkowski (AK)
    • Susan Collins (ME)
    • Mitt Romney (UT)
    • Pat Toomey (PA)
    • Ben Sasse (NE)<<<<<<<<<< A hole

  4. If losing his office is the worst that could happen to Noisome he should consider himself blessed.

    In a just World … well, it ain’t a just World …

    izlamo delenda est …


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