“There Are Lots of Kinds of Fairies” – Dan Joseph – IOTW Report

“There Are Lots of Kinds of Fairies” – Dan Joseph

22 Comments on “There Are Lots of Kinds of Fairies” – Dan Joseph

  1. In other words, you can be anything you want except straight.
    Can’t wait for the demand for One-Eyed, Hunchback, Nipple-Ringed, Homosexual, Gay, Lesbian, Transgender, Bi-Sexual, Tri-Sexual, Queer Dwarf History Month! When you think about it, there aren’t enough months in the year to cover all the permutations (emphasis on the mutations part) for this confused crowd!
    When the Left shows up, common sense gets thrown into the dumpster and gets replaced with chaos…

  2. Actually, there are only two sexes.

    There are three “genders:”


    “Gender” is a grammatical term which has nothing to do with sex. It is another word, as was “gay,” appropriated and perverted by the satanic socialists to further muddy the waters of clear thinking.

  3. Holy crap!
    According to their definition, I think I’m a ‘cisgender’.
    Funny, but I don’t feel any different.
    (Hope I don’t have to get a new wardrobe.)

  4. And I always thought that fairies (pixies, elves, gremlins, leprecauns etc.) were imaginary and had little magic wands and went around granting people wishes. Sort of like the little fairies at the beginning of Fractured Fairy Tales on Bullwinkle. The brothers Grimm need to call their office for the new and so called improved definition of fairy. If I didn’t know better I’d say we’ve been pixilated by the left in how they define things.

  5. Why do we even need gay marriage laws when you can choose genders and levels and orders of gayness at will? Just change your gender for an hour, get hitched, and then go back to whatever you were or want to be later.

  6. I’m feeling like a Z today – expansive on my day off, drinking strong coffee while watering the lawn, reading the local rag, texting my kids, verbally playing with my girlfriend as she eats the breakfast I cooked for her, and wondering why we ever embraced mental and emotional illness as socially legitimate while dreading cleaning out the flower beds.

  7. “Gender” is just another rarely used word that mentally ill people hijacked and redefined. Does anybody really miss using the words “gay”, or “diversity”, or “justice”.

    I kind of miss being able to use the word “normal” when referring to my fellow human beings. There just ain’t much of it left.

  8. I wonder what the scene will be when the freaks start fighting among themselves?

    It seems like there is already a bit of a problem with the moslems vs. the homosexuals and the black straights vs. black homosexuals……

    Imagine if you would……when every little anti-Christian, anti-straight, anti-white splinter group wants more of the pie…..all hell is gonna break out in the DEMocRAT Party.

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