There Are No Good Democrats, Not Anymore – IOTW Report

There Are No Good Democrats, Not Anymore


If anything is certain this election season, it’s that everything is uncertain. Should the strong economy continue and nothing too crazy happens, it’s conceivable that Republicans could hang onto the executive, the Senate, and even regain the House. President Trump will be on the ballot in all those districts Democrats swiped from Republicans, and now they’ll also have their own record, or lack thereof (impeachment, anyone?), upon which to run. The Senate will come down to a few key races in Maine, Arizona, Colorado, and North Carolina, but Democrats will have to win them all in order to gain the four seats needed to gain control (three if they win the presidency). And Trump is coming off what even HBO host Bill Maher called “his best week ever” following his Senate impeachment acquittal and widely acclaimed State of the Union address.

None of the three tasks – holding onto the executive and Senate and retaking the House – will be easy, but all are doable. It’s also conceivable that Democrats could sweep everything. They have the numbers, and if their turnout exceeds our turnout in the right places they win, pure and simple.

However, the most probable scenario is that, whoever assumes the presidency in 2021, government will remain divided. If Trump does manage to win a second term in office this November, he will likely face at least one legislative branch controlled by Democrats. If that branch is the Senate, good luck getting any judges or appointees confirmed. If it’s the House, Trump won’t be able to sneeze without Adam Schiff calling for an impeachment inquiry. If it’s both, God help him. read more

8 Comments on There Are No Good Democrats, Not Anymore

  1. The Democrat Party had rejected God 3 times at their 2012 convention and refuses to allow the few pro-life Democrats there are to have any say in their party platform. Barring those few confused, misplaced pro-lifers there indeed are no good ones remaining. Look at the “leaders” they follow.
    That says it all.

  2. The majority of democrats still believe that Obama was a great transformational president and took the country in a good direction.
    To overcome that level of stupidity will take an act of god.


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