There are no words for this woman other than “EVIL” – IOTW Report

There are no words for this woman other than “EVIL”

Florida mom is charged with killing her two children, aged 3 and 5, after she called police saying ‘I don’t want them anymore’. h/t SNS

28 Comments on There are no words for this woman other than “EVIL”

  1. I’ve seen this before, and Postpartum depression can last for years and not really have devastating affects until multiple children are born.
    And I do think it has been used as a viable defense in a court of law.

  2. Look at her eyes. Guessing that demonic possession/voodoo is involved. The unofficial state religion in Haiti.
    Thankfully, those beautiful children now reside in the Kingdom of Heaven, where they surrounded by the pure love of the living God.

  3. When the Democrats and their fellow collaborators seem to want to have abortion up to and including the 9th month, when they want to celebrate the actual murder of unborn children, and when they de-humanize the unborn children and call them clumps of cells how surprising is it for someone to say “I don’t want them” and just get rid of them? Evil certainly does walk the Earth, and its name is “The Democrat Party”.

  4. Oh the end is near.. Give me a fucking break! She ain’t the first baby killer & unfortunately won’t be the last. Mentally unfit females mandatory sterilization? Take away abortion choices that’ll fix everything, yeah real smart move dumbasses.

  5. So much wrong here.

    Long history of police calls for domestic violence.

    Separated, unmarried parents.

    Dad can front all he wants, but he said she was too crazy for HIM to live with, but he was OK leaving his KIDS with her?

    And 41 is pretty long in the tooth to have a 5 and a 3 year old. Special needs aren’t uncommon to caboose children, and chasing toddlers around by herself would weary a woman half her age.

    We don’t have the whole story here.

    I have a feeling they weren’t unknown to CPS, but they were probably hands-off because a) immigrants, and b) Black. Sure, sister COULD have just snapped, but her dude and her neighbors and the police likey could tell you there was some build to this.

    And that method of execution seems pretty … specific. There’s some “cultural” reason it was done in that particular way. This is crazy, but premeditated and planned crazy.

    And what an utter devaluation of life.

    We can kill infants. We can kill the elderly. Is this not the logical progression, that its ok to kill children you don’t want any more?

    What a pass the forces of evil at work in this nation have brought us to.

    From strangled in the womb to strangled in their beds. Is there really a difference?

    I can’t imagine the horror of discovery of these children.

    We are told LEO found them, “emergency services” tried to resucitate, and MFD declared them dead.

    This does NOT convey how unquestionably dead those children must have been to make a field declaration like that.

    NO ONE is going to give up on a 3 or 5 year old in a hurry. NO ONE is going to write children like that off without a fight unless the fight is CLEARLY lost. She hung up several times, we’re told. How long were those bound children dead? Minutes? Hours? How horrific was it for those who cut the bonds on their limbs and the cords on their necks, and tried to stretch them to fight for life. Did they see edema? Rigor? Lividity? Was their young flesh cold, their lips blue, their eyes open in staring sightless horror?

    And how long did it take them to die? Did they see each other bound? Did she drug them first? Were they beaten? There’s an arrangement that some have been known to use in binding where struggles can cause your own death. Did she employ this?

    There is much we are not being told.

    This is the evil of the devil, true.

    But it was allowed by men.

    It was abetted by men.

    The cheapening of life was promoted by men.

    This insanity was allowed to fester by men.

    Two children died horrible deaths. Needless deaths. Avoidable deaths. At the hands of their own mother.

    Who will probably get off on an insanity plea.

    ..meanwhile, the system will continue to fail. Children will be left to suffer and die, and no one will be held accountable. Death of the innocents will just be shrugged off, the devaluation of life that Democrats have spent decades pursuing that underpinned this will continue apace.

    We need not worry about those children any more. They are free of hurt and without memory of how they died, wrapped in the loving arms of the Lord.

    But they left a sibling behind who greives.

    And those who found them, those who tried to save them, even those who declared them, autopsied them, and prepared their bodies will be scarred by this.

    Pray for them.

    I am writing this with great restraint. I am so full of rage, disgust, of hatred, of sadness, and of past ghost better left buried that this would be incoherent if I gave vent to these feelings. That, or I’d say something indictable. I wish to do neither.

    But at root, the fact remains that no one will pay, not really.

    And this cannot stand.

    Or this trend will continue.

    Someone needs to pray for all these people, but for this nation.

    In my current state, however, that can’t be me.

    “Vengeance is mine”, sayeth the Lord, true.

    But right or wrong, there needs to be SOME justice here on Earth.

    Someone HAS to pay.

    Someome MUST.

  6. SNS, thank you for your testimony and your grace. Your passion and your conviction. Your caring and your pain. Your faith and your anger. Don’t ever stop commenting, your knowledge and compassion inspire and comfort me.

  7. Irony Curtain APRIL 16, 2022 AT 8:17 PM

    This is what the death penalty is for.

    Agreed, but her mental illness will likely have her spend @ 7 years in a state mental health penitentiary system – with trips to stores and stuff like that. SNS is right about a successful insanity plea, but the state would be horribly irresponsible to let her loose on the public after this. If you can kill your own so glibly, you are a danger to everyone.

    Ask me how I know. Granted, my two examples are in Texas, but I doubt other states are harsher. The one I knew personally never expressed regret – “It’s the mental illness! Not really my fault.” Said with a smile.

    o.O Ookaay.

  8. @Irate Nate April 16, 2022 at 8:10 pm

    > Simply another sign of the times. Nothing shocks me anymore. We are very close to the end, people.

    Ha ha. What a ponce!

  9. I am not surprised about this. Their race has absolutely no room for being a decent human being. I already knew the race before I looked at the pic. I think about what kind of life would they have in their future. Either way, I’m left with a bad feeling. Sterilize that woman right now.


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