There are now 260,000 robots working in the U.S. – IOTW Report

There are now 260,000 robots working in the U.S.


There are now more than 260,000 robots working in U.S. factories. Orders and shipments for robots in North America set new records in 2015, according to industry trade group Robotic Industries Association.-more at Marketwatch

5 Comments on There are now 260,000 robots working in the U.S.

  1. Many of them are spokespersons (Kirby, Harft, etc.) for the Obama regime. But the majority are the , “where’s MY free stuff”, indoctrinated, liberal cult followers, who can only seem to mouth official responses and mantras they have been given.

    Ask them any question delving, even in a shallow manner, into further supporting their ’cause’ or concern, and you get Obama’s ‘huh, ahem, duh’, etc. responses, replete with that look of a deer caught in the headlights.

    Just watch Jesse Waters’ interviews.

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