There is a Doctor Shortage Crisis on the Horizon in America and We Have Liberal Policies to Thank – IOTW Report

There is a Doctor Shortage Crisis on the Horizon in America and We Have Liberal Policies to Thank


The Association of American Medical Colleges has released dire projections for the state of healthcare in America in the coming years. The projections say “the U.S. will see a shortage of 46,900 to 121,900 physicians by 2032 in primary and specialty care.”

As CNBC reports, “as America’s population ages and demand outpaces supply, a physician shortage is intensifying.” Additionally, Americans are living longer requiring more physician care as they age which is “slicing the health-care industry in multiple ways.”

Dr. Atul Grover, the association’s Vice President said “we know older patients use two-to-three times as many medical services as younger patients, and the number of people over age 65 will increase by almost 50%, just in the next 10 to 15 years along.” read more

13 Comments on There is a Doctor Shortage Crisis on the Horizon in America and We Have Liberal Policies to Thank

  1. I saw this coming along time ago.
    Why go to college for 8 years & 2 years
    resident to pay 25% salary to malpractice…
    Thank God I am 65 and had a darn good life.
    These young people are SOL..

  2. That’s OK, the left will “fix” this problem in the usual way; force medical schools to relax their standards so more “disadvantaged youths” can obtain their medical degrees. Oh, and don’t forget muslim outreach.

  3. Anyone here had to find a doctor lately. I’ll have one for a year or so then they retire on me. Looking for a new one that’s not from a foreign country is getting tougher. Many are available from India, the mid east and the orient but I want an american doctor and they are getting very hard to find.
    I think the standards have been lowered already.

  4. I wouldn’t go to the bastards to use the restroom, after ShitbamaKare turned them into $15-an-hour democrap quislings. 😡

    The doctors of America decided that playing cutesy, & footsie, & golf, with democraps & insurance companies, was MORE important than standing up for their profession. FUDGE ‘EM. 😡

    I don’t give a damn, if they ALL go bankrupt & end up in a soup kitchen. The next doctor to see ME, will be the coroner. I wouldn’t give ’em the time of day, much less, my business. 😡


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