‘There is an alternative’: Trump backs Rick Scott as a ‘much better’ GOP Senate leader than McConnell – IOTW Report

‘There is an alternative’: Trump backs Rick Scott as a ‘much better’ GOP Senate leader than McConnell

BPR: As corporate media spun the narrative of election night to best suit the establishment, former President Donald Trump’s endorsements told a different tale with the biggest one gunning for Senate Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) job.

The final results of the 2022 midterm election have yet to be decided and, as votes are counted, Republicans remain favored to take control of Congress, albeit with a smaller advantage than originally anticipated. Ahead of a currently unscheduled vote to decide the Senate Majority Leader should that play out, Trump voiced his preference for Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL).

With Trump calling in to BlazeTV’s live election coverage Tuesday night, host Glenn Beck spoke candidly with the former president and asked, “So will you endorse Rick Scott to replace him in the coming days?” more here

7 Comments on ‘There is an alternative’: Trump backs Rick Scott as a ‘much better’ GOP Senate leader than McConnell

  1. It’s like watching sausage being made. We DID have a motherfucker of a Red Wave. It blew out the fraud in many races.


    Florida has NEW, ‘No Election Fuckery’ laws in place, and it was a Red Tsunami there. Pundits have been studiously ignoring this important fact since Tuesday, in hopes of declaring MAGA as over.

    Don’t fall for it. MAGA gave us every single win on Tuesday, and without MAGA, we’d be looking into a political abyss.

    Mitch must go.

  2. Not saying there was no fraud in 2020, but after it was clear that the results were not going change,Trump’s temper tantrum over fraud caused a lot of Republicans to stay home for the 2 GA senate runoffs losing the senate to the Dems. I liked his policies and results mostly while he was in office. He lost me with most his actions afterwards; badmouthing Kemp and Desantis (Two best state covid economies due to their policies)… He needs to go play golf.


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