There Is Another… – IOTW Report

There Is Another…

And probably a shit ton more. Stay tuned. I guess.

33 Comments on There Is Another…

  1. joe6pak

    We walked out of that movie.

    Remember, Madison Cathorne was also filmed frolicking neked in bed with another dude. Laughing like a little bitch. Just sayen, keep that in mind.

  2. Geni
    THURSDAY, 21 DECEMBER 2023, 14:58 AT 2:58 PM
    “Brad , never mind that movie about Caligula, the genuine Caligula actually named his horse a Senator . Seems fitting for today’s congress critters .”

    …at least it was a WHOLE horse…

  3. They used to be honorable, educated, and G-dly men. Now it is just degenerates, faggots, retards, rapists, pedophiles, and other treasonous criminals.

    Fuck them all.

  4. @CJ: Here’s how the story goes JIC no one here has never heard the true story. 24 Then the Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah—from the Lord out of the heavens. 25 Thus he overthrew those cities and the entire plain, destroying all those living in the cities—and also the vegetation in the land. 26 But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt. Genesis 19

    Isn’t the first time either – 79 AD Pompeii burned to a crisp, some looked like they turned into a pillar of salt. The wall paintings unearthed were in pristine condition. Many sex scenes that took place right in public. Barry Obama would have loved the bath houses. Men on men.

    There’s more examples…..

  5. In the late 1980’s, one of the new girls at work had just come back from working in DC for a couple of years.
    She told me some of the most horrific things about the gay bar scene. She was straight, but she had a lot of gay male friends.
    I didn’t believe the level of depravity she told me about. I thought she was just exaggerating for the effect.
    DC has always been a fetid, nasty swamp.

  6. SNS:

    THURSDAY, 21 DECEMBER 2023, 15:06 AT 3:06 PM

    Brad, never mind that movie about Caligula, the genuine Caligula actually named his horse a Senator. Seems fitting for today’s congress critters.

    …at least it was a WHOLE horse…

    …and not a horse hole…

  7. …speaking of F’ed up movies, apparently not satisfied with wrecking the entire Disney animated catalog, the forces of wokeness are going to present a mutilated version of “Willie Wonka” featuring a poor, young, gay Willie Wonka who fights against the evil capitalists chocolater cartel, a race and gender swapped “Charile”, a cast of Black authority figures and White villains, and no real link to the actual Roald Dahl story other than dry-humping a formerly beloved IP name…

  8. Someone at American Thinker asked an interesting question;

    Who was the other dude in the video, and why don’t we know by now?

    And who was making video? The Top? Or was there a turd person on camera. I admit up front that I haven’t seen any of it.

  9. @Eric ~ “Fuck them all.”

    … I kinda think that’s the idea

    I am thoroughly disgusted, mortified & ashamed at what they’ve turned us into …. ‘progressive’ my ass!


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