There is no better use for our military than guarding our own border – IOTW Report

There is no better use for our military than guarding our own border

Conservative Review: This is akin to a “Gaza moment” for our border. Thankfully, with Operation Faithful Patriot and the deployment of 5,200 troops, the president appears to be taking it as seriously as the Israelis take their border.

Evidently, our political class believes that the U.S. military was created solely for urban renewal and social work projects in Kabul, Baghdad, Raqqa, and Mogadishu, but not for the purpose of protecting our border. In fact, that is almost the only role of our military that our Founders envisioned. It is the one military deployment that the president can order unilaterally without a congressional declaration of war, because it is purely defensive. The president is right to deploy soldiers, because the time has come to treat our own border with as much respect and care as we would other countries’ borders.

Yesterday, President Trump announced before the world that we are indeed a sovereign nation and will finally treat our border – the national private property of all the citizenry – with the respect it deserves. There are already several thousand troops down at the border, and he intends to increase the numbers. It’s about time. We don’t want to spend $700 billion per year on the military so that it can referee Islamic tribal wars or nation-build overseas. Our first priority needs to be our own border.  more here

5 Comments on There is no better use for our military than guarding our own border

  1. Self-defense is a right that the left does not acknowledge when it comes to US citizens–they prefer we be defenseless against thugs and mobs, because those attacking us are somehow, the noble downtrodden.
    Spare me the platitudes…..Trump is doing exactly what needs to be done and is saying that which needs to be said.

  2. So what to say about the Pentagon initially rejecting his request and citing the Posse Comitatus act?

    If the Pentagon can’t tell the difference between protecting our borders from foreign threats and domestic law enforcement then the enemy is already behind the gates.

  3. Meanwhile in Canada, Soy boy Justin orders the RCMP to line the Canadian border to Stop the caravan of Hollywood liberals preparing to flee the USA when the republicans hold the house and senate in the elections tomorrow.


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