“There is no forgiveness because they seek destruction, not restoration” – IOTW Report

“There is no forgiveness because they seek destruction, not restoration”

Techno Fog:

The Taliban took back Afghanistan in the late summer of 2021, shortly after the Americans withdrew, tired and weary and broke after nearly 20 years of fighting. They seized control of the country in the broad and particular sense: setting up command in the presidential palace in Kabul and targeting the individuals who criticized the new government. By December 2021, regular Afghans and the members of the Afghan press who had expressed critical views of their new rulers had “been subjected to months of intimidation and fear.”

The Biden Administration has adopted these same tactics, calling for their critics to be silenced by the Administration’s corporate and media allies. After 20 years of trying to export Western values to Afghanistan, they ended up importing Taliban-style repression to the United States. And it only cost us trillions of dollars and thousands of lives.

Now, the Regime and its comrades target Joe Rogan, an inquisitive comedian with a podcast. He is accused of spreading “misinformation” by those that illegally spy on their citizens and lies without remorse. In reality, this isn’t about misinformation. It’s that Rogan’s crimes are those of words and thought. They prosecute on behalf of the god they have created, searching to eradicate those guilty of the sin of blasphemy. The Taliban would be proud. MORE

7 Comments on “There is no forgiveness because they seek destruction, not restoration”

  1. “The Taliban WERE GIVEN back Afghanistan in the late summer of 2021, AS the Americans WERE BETRAYED BY THEIR OWN PRESIDENT AND FORCED TO LEAVE FUNCTIONAL MILITARY HARDWARE BEHIND, tired and weary and broke after nearly 20 years of fighting BUT VASTLY ENRICHED BY LARGESSE GIVEN THEM BY TAXES EXTRACTED FROM AMERICANS BY DEMOCRATS. They WERE HANDED control of the country in the broad and particular sense: setting up command in the presidential palace in Kabul, MURDERING AMERICAN ALLIES and targeting the individuals who criticized the new government.”


  2. We should’ve carpet bombed these pisslamic bastards back into the stone age while we had the chance, defoliated all their poppy fields with Agent Orange and seeded all their cropland with salt over the past 20 years rather than let the Taliban come back into power. As usual this will not end well. Just ask the Brits and the Russians how they fared against these barbarians.

  3. “There is no forgiveness because they seek destruction, not restoration”

    That is the way it is with every malicious deliberate and systematic, gratuitous act committed by the followers of the progressive movement or any of their allies in their war on America and what it stands for, which by the way is a campaign in their war on The Good. They are motivated by envy and channel their resentment into tearing down what they believe allows those they think have something they are entitled to, but don’t and will never have. What pisses them off more than anything is seeing others enjoy a joyous and fulfilling life. Instead of following the paths proven to lead people to joy and fulfillment, their energies are spent in trying to take that from others.

    They are incapable of anything else.

  4. Joe Rogan has fallen.
    He’s fallen and he can’t get up.
    I believe he has been effectively neutered & muzzled.
    He’s now an impotent cuck.
    His shows are now democrat talking point sponsored crap.
    Anything else will be removed from Spotify.
    The CEO of Spotify is a cuck now as well.

    I’d like him to prove me wrong.
    I doubt he will.

    In his latest apology video he looks like Uncle Fester reading a script written by the North Korean’s.
    Yes he said the N word. Big fucking deal.
    So sad.
    Don’t bother worrying about Joe being some kind of hero.
    He never will be.

  5. Poor Joe. He’s learning on the job, and he’s had epiphanies that are leading him to leave the leftist plantation. He’s got a lot to learn.

    Not too late, Joe: it’s them or us.


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