There Is No Reason For This – IOTW Report

There Is No Reason For This

I just thought it was interesting. : )

h/t Doc.

42 Comments on There Is No Reason For This

  1. My 1785 house is loaded with dead nails, inside and out. The lawn is loaded with small bits of iron and rust. Drag a magnet through the dirt and it comes up with bits of rust and square nails. The floor joists are an assortment of old beams from other buildings and barns, with notches and pegs that serve no current purpose. The old photos my parents had show no power wires and horse and buggys sit in the driveway. I found zero insulation in the walls and hair in the plaster to hold it together. We have it easy.

  2. Grew up with the expression and many other 19th Century relics. Taught them to my kids without realizing it. In school, their piers were often clueless, kind of like Loco. πŸ™‚

  3. I’m kind of funny, in as much as if I am going to use an expression if it isn’t obvious I will research the origins. I am frequently amused, or annoyed, when people use an expression and in the context they use it the reference they are making makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

    Examples that come immediately to mind:
    Split the sheets
    Fish or cut bait

  4. I work with tools a lot, more wood than metal, and I’ve had to learn things about construction over the years for various reasons, but never heard this.

    Maybe because most houses I’ve seen were from the ’70s and my 1937 house had a door made from a solid piece of wood with hardware screwed in instead of nailed.

    I appreciate this. Stuff doesn’t have to be heavy ALL the time, and I learned something about old construction techniques AND language today.

    Thanks, MJA.

    …now see if you can get Fur to lighten up and do a word contest or something like he used to a couple years ago, we can all use a mental health break sometimes and Claudia’s pets are only on one day…

  5. I was waiting for the woke denunciation of the doornail and its deadness and the racial or sexual wronging it implied. Once into the video I was quite pleased to learn something. Thank you.

  6. Hope we add this expression to the Pedos’s resume soon.

    Secret Service take note, this is in no way a threat to the walking corpse known as the Pedo that you know damn well he is. How any of you maintain your honor protecting that child fondling piece of shit is beyond me…

    Only wishful thinking for the sake of our precious nation.

  7. JDHasty,
    How about “He talks like a man with a paper asshole.”
    (no, I have no idea from whence it comes or what it means – common usage in Maryland and DC)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Ecp >>>
    Too bad we can’t peen over a dead democrat to ensure he no longer visits the voting booth. <<

    We’ll, they’re halfway there. Bent all the way over with their head hammered up their ass.

  9. Joe Biden February 11, 2022 at 1:48 pm

    Can you do β€œdumb as a sack of hammers” next?

    I can do one better, I’ll call a spade a spade.


    Video of Joe Biden saying the ‘N-word’ resurfaces after White House releases statement on Joe Rogan-Spotify controversy

    Why isn’t anyone talking about this?

  10. The last thing you want to do is “throw the baby out with the bathwater” while getting the “whole nine yards” explanation.
    Great video and I learned something! Not easy with as a numbskull.

  11. Doc FJB/LGB
    FEBRUARY 11, 2022 AT 1:33 PM
    “Tony R that could apply now days to troops who have to eat MRE’S!”

    …we just put in the envelope what the government pays us to put in the envelope.

    …believe me, the Canadian military eats MUCH better than ours…

  12. So after typing away for over a half hour and looking up the link I needed, I managed to delete it all AAAAAAAARRHH!

    Let’s see if I can reconstruct it…

    The subdivision that I live in was started as a hunting and fishing club in the late 1800’s. A bunch of β€œwell to do” gentlemen who lived northwest of Chicago by about forty or forty-five miles bought about ten acres of ground further out (on the Fox River) that was a comfortable day’s carriage or horseback ride at the time. Still on the Chicago & Northwest RR line so you could also take the train if you wished.

    They started out staying in a houseboat on the river and then built a tar paper shack bunkhouse (cottage) as an upgrade. Well, when the ladies got involved, they declined staying in the same structure with those other drunken male members. Individual cottages started being built. (They even had them build/dig individual four place [on each opposite sides] male and female outhouses.)

    One of the early members was a gentleman by the name of Alfred K. Johnson. Either before or after his split with his brother to form a new manufacturing company he had the workmen salvage/dismantle all the incoming shipping crates and straiten the nails for reuse. A frugal man, he had the lumber and nails carted out to the grounds in the country to build his cottage. It was a three-story affair that for its time was pretty fancy and remembering that most cottages were for summer use only. Later improved with those wonderful fire-retardant asbestos singles for siding.

    Anyway, my in-laws acquired the membership associated with the place and while I was putting a second story on my shack I stayed in the place with the wife and kids. We stayed in the bedrooms on the second story and the closets in those bedrooms had open walls on the one side of them, exposing the studs. I noted that the lumber was different from anything I’d seen used and found it to be full two by four inches in dimension unlike that of your modern 2X4’s. Also seemed to be rough sawn and the nails had the square heads of the β€œcut nails” that I’d used in attaching to concrete work. So one more story and history of the β€œClub” was validated. The materials of the early 1900’s are still standing in our subdivision. They then staggered the cottages closer / farther back away from the river so the whole subdivision wouldn’t burn down if one caught fire.

    Shout out!
    Gave β€œGhost, Mary & the boys” the nickel tour of the grounds and we had lunch at the Gin Mill where Baby Face Nelson was known to hang out. Have lived there since 54’so I know where most of the bodies are buried.

    Thinking this was even longer before I deleted it, but don’t remember what I had and do not wish to infringe on SNS’s territory. And NO I”LL NOT CHECK AND EDIT!

  13. Oh Em Gee Whiz! I actually knew what this phrase meant because it’s used by Dickens in “A Christmas Carol” and it’s one of my favorite lines in all of literature!

    “Old Marley was as dead as a door-nail”.

    I was just curious at some point about how dead that was.

  14. Shit-faced drunk.

    I heard it was an expression that was popular in the wild west and was the aftermath of a hopelessly drunken cowboy exiting a saloon and tripping over something only to fall face first into a pile of horse or cow manure lying in the street.

    I dunno, maybe true.

  15. @Abigail

    Alastair Sim version from ca 1952?

    That was the best of the lot in my opinion. Mistah Scrooge was played to perfection by Alastair Sim.

    BTW, wondering if you were born during A Big Gale and that’s how you got your moniker?

  16. Now I know something I did not know before. I like it.

    Now the phrase makes total sense and lets you know some nail history, to boot.

    One more piece of trivia I can irritate my friends and family with.

    Like wishing someone “break a leg” while acting on stage. Few get where it came from and so what it actually meant. Hint: Not actually breaking the actor’s leg.


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