There Was Never An ‘Islamic Spain.’ That’s Just Another Dumb Leftist Myth – IOTW Report

There Was Never An ‘Islamic Spain.’ That’s Just Another Dumb Leftist Myth

Daily Caller: “Islamic Spain” (Al-Andalus) has been presented as some realm of tolerance and respect, where learning burgeoned — nurtured by “ludic,” or genial, Islam. (The word “ludicrous” is related). It’s a soothing fairy tale to lull any card-carrying leftist to sleep. Meanwhile, back with historical reality…

We know little about “Islamic Spain.” The Arabic documents are late (written 400 to 700 years after the so-called “Islamic invasion” in 711 A.D.). They are also unreliable because Islamic history is not concerned with facts, but with the imagined triumphs of the faith.

Then, there are the Visigoths, who ruled Spain and parts of North Africa in the early eighth century. They were mostly Arian Christians, that is, heretics who rejected the Trinity and believed Jesus to be a special kind of human being, but not the Son of God. Much of Iberian history at this time is the ongoing struggle between Trinitarian (Catholic) and anti-Trinitarian Christianities, with the Byzantines (the Eastern Roman Empire) playing the dominant role.

We have a few reliable Latin historical sources that mention Gothic, Berber and Syrian-Arab anti-Trinitarian Christians fighting Trinitarians around 711 A.D. But these sources do not mention “Islam,” “Moslems” or the Koran.  more here

16 Comments on There Was Never An ‘Islamic Spain.’ That’s Just Another Dumb Leftist Myth

  1. This comment is about muzlims so it is not way off topic. In a statement from Iranian leadership today, they are saying that if the EU supports sanctions and does not pressure the US to stay in the Iranian nuclear deal they will name the western leaders that received bribes to make the deal happen. That would be awesome!

  2. @ Plantsman, no offense

    I’m new here but WATCH the BS on the Jew bashing. I’m not ONE BUT that is not the point.

    THREE of my best ‘mates’, as THEY say, one former Navy FFG and one former ‘lieu’ on the NYPD the other Seabee National Guard, are JEWS so cut the crap.

    Jesus WAS a Jew btw as was Noah and he did a heck of a job commanding his ship. We all have one…a ship to command and steer in still or ‘stormy’ weather.

    Now back to the basic issue IF there WAS or wasn’t a Moorish or Islamic presence in Spain or Andulusia and what is left behind.

  3. Ghost: If by suggesting that the Worlds most storied Sea Captian may have been a Jew, is by your stretch Jew Bashing then you need to Relax and have a beer or a Workout perhaps.

  4. Then how do they explain El Cid?

    Some say Columbus was a Jew ???

    Doubtful on 2 scores. First, once the Moselms (or whomever) were tossed out, the Inquisition kicked in. Second, Chris was from Genoa, and he was looking for a sugar mama.

    On the flip side, though it took the 800 years to do it, the story of getting rid of the Moslems tell us it can be done.


  5. “Spanish Inquisition (Inquisición española), was established in 1478 by Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile.”

    1478 predates the “Reconquista” of 1492 by nearly 20 years.

    And the purpose of the Inquisition was to seek out and extinguish heresies, and, to a lesser extent, expropriate land and wealth from “converso” Jews (one of which was Tomas de Torquemada).

    izlamo delenda est …

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